June 30, 2015

June 29, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 179

David and Shaun's first day at Lego camp!  They had a blast, this camp was a huge hit and after the first day, they are already talking about next year

June 28, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 178

Evan's favorite pastime while waiting for his breakfast - building jelly towers!

June 27, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 177

The boys had the chance to try out rock climbing for the first time at a friends birthday party today.  They didn't do too bad.  David made it up the highest and Evan barely left the ground.  They have Mom's "fraidy cat" genes, I guess!  I wouldn't have even put the harness on, so they did better than I would have!

June 24, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 174

Shaun has been composing over the last couple of months.  He spent his last few lessons fine tuning his piece with his teacher.  Yesterday when I asked him what he worked on during his first summer lesson, he said he was working on "Dark Beauty".  It wasn't until this morning that I realized it was HIS piece!  He titled it and it's a very fitting title.  Perhaps you are looking at the next John Williams!

June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday we celebrated the Dads in the family!  We grilled steak and chicken and I made some lobster sliders for a special treat!  It's nice to have an excuse to get together with family and eat good food!

#1 Dad!


365 ~ 2015: Day 171

Happy Father's Day!

June 20, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 170

On Thursday David played in the championship game for his baseball league.  His team finished the regular season in first place, but was unable to get that last and final win for the championship.  There was a moment of sadness, but they brushed it off and went out to shake hands and congratulate the winning team.  His coach, all season long, stressed what it was to show good sportsmanship and the boys took it to heart.

There were runner up trophies passed out and his face lit up!  He ran over to us and yelled "MY FIRST TROPHY!".  He worked hard all season long, learning from his coach and the older kids on his team.  It was a lot of fun to watch.

June 19, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 169

Two days later and it is official!  No more training wheels for this family!

June 18, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 168

Last day of school!  Check out our future 4th and 2nd graders!

Schools Out for Summer!

On Monday my very last baby "graduated" from preschool!  There isn't a graduation ceremony at their school but they did have a party and a nice little celebration that included a certificate!  He is beyond excited to be moving onto Kindergarten in the fall!

Evan and his awesome teacher Miss Shira!
The proud Graduate!

Evan was done with school, but the other two had 3 more days left.  I had lots of organizing to do for the PTA before summer vacation, so even though he was done Evan still spent a lot of time at the school.  On Tuesday I stopped by David's class to give his teacher her appreciation gift and to say thanks for a great year.  I have made a tradition of getting a picture of the boys with their teacher during the last week of school.

David with his teacher Mrs. Hastings
That night was Shaun's first grade success night.  We got to go in and see his portfolio and check out all his best work.  But first we had to celebrate with a special dinner at his favorite restaurant.

Tacos and burritos at El Rodeo
Shaun's portfolio

Shaun and his teacher Mrs. Sorette
Today was the last day!  Tomorrow we start our summer vacation!

Look at how much they have grown in one school year!

June 17, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 167

Evan is determined to ride on 2 wheels this summer!  He started practicing with Dad on the makeshift balance bike!  He struggled when we added the pedals, but he didn't do bad for his first time and we were proud of him for trying!

June 16, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 166

First grade success night!  We are so proud of our middle, he's come so far this year.  I was most impressed by the improvement of his penmanship from the start of the year to now!  Second grade here he comes!

June 15, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 165

My last baby is officially a preschool graduate and future Kindergartner!

June 13, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 163

Proud of his second and last T-Ball medal.  Next year he moves up to Coach Pitch!

June 12, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 162

The SEVEN year old enjoying his birthday dinner tonight at his favorite restaurant!

June 11, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 161

Needs work, but it was fun playing around with my light.  And I got a much better genuine smile than the strangers at Lifetouch did!

June 10, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 160

The Birthday boys new ride!  Happy 7th Birthday to our silliest and sweetest ray of sunshine!

June 9, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 159

Evan and his friend at the annual Family Center field trip to Beech Hill Farm!

June 8, 2015

365 ~ 2015: Day 158

Shaun's first school concert!  They did a great job and I love that their music teacher includes some classics like The Beatles!