February 4, 2008

The Not So Super Bowl in D.C.:

Late Friday afternoon we packed up the car and headed to D.C. for the the Mailloux's annual "Super Snow Bowl" - minus the snow of course. On Saturday morning we headed over near Dulles to meet up with Ben's Colgate Crew for some lunch. Little did we know that our little man was going to have his first ever meltdown. I chalk it up to his 11pm bedtime the night before and 10 minute nap on the way to the restaurant. Needless to say it was the first time we've ever had to leave a place becasue of David. Thankfully we had just arrived and never even ordered food.

The good thing was our hotel was nearby and we thought it best that we bring him there for some much needed R&R. The 3 mile drive took us an excrutiating 20+ minutes (we seriously stopped at every single light) and our monster child screamed bloody murder the entire ride. We actually thought it would help us check into our room since we were about three hours early for check in. The Doc said that if they didn't let us check in then we were going to sit in their lobby - screaming monster in tow and wait - but of course the brat stopped his tantrum as we got him out of the car. It didn't matter in the end as they had a room ready for us.

We got to our room and tried to soothe our extremely overtired David to sleep - I would say it took about a good 20 minutes before he zonked out. When he woke up about an hour and a half later our son had returned. Just in time for a delicious lunch of Chicken Taquitos served with none other than his new favorite dip - Ranch Dressing!

We eventually met back up with the Mailloux crew and had dinner at one of those Japanese Steak Houses - the ones where they cook right in front of you. David had fun except when the chef made the fire across the grill. I think all the little ones were unsure of that part! Afterwards we headed back to the Mailloux's so that David & Maddie could play. They played really well together considering their age. I also got to spend some time with baby Owen while Robyn prepared her Chili for the big game on Sunday. He was so teeny!

When we left for the night to head back to our hotel David layed a big wet one on Maddie. It was so darn cute - even Ben had to admit that! We got back to the hotel and crashed into our comfy King and David even let us sleep in until 8!
Sunday morning we headed over to the elementary school up the street for the official Snow Football Game - minus the snow of course. Usually when there is snow, it's tackle football. But without the snow (and due to the fact that most of them are over 30 and have old bones) they opted for 2-hand touch. The girls watched the little ones while they played at the playground on the school grounds. There were all different slides, a bridge to walk across and swings. David had so much fun. He had a big smile on his face the entire morning.

Later that afternoon we headed over to Ben's friend's house for the Super Bowl. We had a great time. David got to play with some new friends. He had fun playing chase and dancing around the kitchen. Unfortunetly that is where the fun eneded as we had to watch the colapse of the New England Patriots. While the Pats didn't win - we still had a great weekend. Guess there is always next year. Do you think they could go for another "perfect" season?

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