May 11, 2008

Walk Hard

37 weeks and Shaun is considered fully baked. Yesterday we spent the morning walking around one of the local malls. It's a HUGE mall with four different sections. It takes more than an hour to walk the whole length. After David's nap we went to a different mall and walked around some more.

I am hoping that by walking and walking and walking - things will start moving in the right direction and we'll have this baby already.

It will be my luck that this baby is born in June. We have no plans for inducing this time around - we're just going to let it ride!

We're pretty much ready for Shaun. We have all the clothes leftover from David and until the move Shaun will bunk with Mommy and Daddy in the Pack N Play. After the move he will be using David's crib and David will move to the futon. The only item we don't have is the double stroller and we're just still trying to decide which one to get. The Doc and I are not seeing eye to eye on this issue.

As for David - he knows there is a baby in Mommy's belly but I am not sure he understands what that means for the future. The other day when I asked him if he wanted to say hi to the baby he waved to my belly. It was very cute.

If you feel like sending me some serious labor vibes - I will definitely take them. I read online that eating some pineapple can do the trick. Guess I will be getting me some pineapple for lunch tomorrow. There is a fresh fruit cart one block from my work. We'll see if it really works or not!


Christina said...

How exciting! Sending vibes your way....

Erica said...

You look great! Sending labor vibes your way! As for the double stroller it is a must for us. We have a graco duo glider and really like it. It's a front and back model not a double wide. Can't wait to meet shaun

Mis Pretty said...

hey pam, this is that link to the stroller i was telling you about!! seems like a great option where David is bigger now and works either way...let me know what you think! HOpe everything is going well with the move! I can't wait til you guys are home!!! talk to you soon!

Brian said...

I'm predicting a baby on May 23, weighing in at 7lbs, 13 oz.

Anonymous said...

Sending Vibes, I am also pushing for you, and I will take all your contraction pain as well, that is how much I love you!!! I am feeling February 24th, 10:33pm, 8lbs 1oz, and you will rethink names... and come up with "Jodi". Just taking a guess :) Muah!!!

Brian said...

Jodi, Feb 24th? That makes no sense!