July 9, 2008

Fat Baby Pig & Monkey

These are the new nicknames for the boys. Shaun, who is also referred to as Ziggy Piggy, got this name because all he does is EAT. I mean the kid had almost 10oz of milk the other night when we were out. We were only out for 5 and a half hours. Sheesh. I can already tell he is going to be bigger than his brother. Check out the double chin he is already sporting. His next weight check will be on the 24th.

Fat Baby Pig:

David is like a monkey. He just has to climb on everything, couches, stairs, me. Just today I found him sitting on the coffee table. I mean seriously.

Check out the monkey climbing the wall at the playground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to the world of climbing!! haahaha!! It's so much fun to have to tell them to get down 100 times, literally!!! Cohen has a new favorite spot to watch tv...he climbs on the back of the couch and lays on the big pillows! ha! HE'S NUTS! and he's also figured out how to jump from the coffee table to the couch...can you say we may be seeing the ER for some stitches soon!? hopefully not! Well shaun is looking fabulous. How are you feeling? We should make a trip down this weekend if you guys aren't busy maybe we'll come down and then head to the beach...let us know if you'll be around!

talk to you soon
love ya.