September 10, 2008

29 for the first time...

As most of you know the greatest day of the year, in my opinion, is September 4 - my birthday! This year the Doc surprised me with a baby sitter (thanks SIL) and a nice dinner at Pescatore's, an Italian seafood place in Somerville. I ordered Risotto and the Doc ordered a Seafood Pasta dish. It was a nice meal but the best part was just being out without the children! It was a great birthday and hard to believe the last one of my twenties. The best gift was David's super cute version of Happy Birthday Mommy.

Since the Doc counted my dessert at dinner as my "birthday cake" I decided that I would make some homemade brownies with the help of David.

Here is David with all our ingredients:

Shaun watches from his bouncy seat:

Mixing the eggs, butter and sugar:

Adding the cocco and flour:

Enjoying a job well done!


Jazell said...

those were some amazing brownies, btw. Oh and I still laugh when I remember the reaction of you two walking up the stairs, seeing Shaun pleasantly going about his evening, face foward, in the bjorn. What can I say...

Glad you had a good birthday!

Erica said...

what a handsome picture of shaun! you certainly have two handsome boys!

Anonymous said...

What? No Mini Van?