October 20, 2010

Green beans and Raspberries!

Evan has been eating all kinds of food now! I guess that is what happens when you're the third child. All caution is thrown to the wind. I just didn't have the patience this time around to wait a week before introducing something new. With the exception of the Doc's mild shrimp allergy, we don't really have a history of food allergies in the family and Evan seemed to enjoy trying all the yummy fruits and veggies. I really like the blends that come in the pouches. My favorite pictures were always the ones where they tried the green beans. So here is Evan's first time with green beans the other day!

Another new milestone (if you can even call it that!) is sticking out his tongue and blowing raspberries! He is lucky that he is 5-1/2 months old and that it's still considered cute!

Also, everyone keeps telling me that Evan is going to keep his blue eyes and I would tell them, that Shaun had blue eyes too at this point and his changed, but upon further research, I was in fact mistaken. Shaun no longer had his blue eyes at 5 months old and Evan's are still very much blue! So that means everyone was right and it looks like we have ourselves a blue eyed baby!

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