January 13, 2011

Pancakes & The First Snow Day!

We found out Tuesday (at noon) that schools would be cancelled for Wednesday. It was nice to know ahead of time so that I could plan on being stuck indoors with the boys. I tend to get cabin fever very quickly and I don't like being cooped up inside.

When we woke up Wednesday morning, the snow was coming down fast and furious. The Doc, who was not so lucky, had to go into work. He said the roads weren't great but he made it in safely. I decided to make the boys some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, since a trip to Dunkin Donuts was out of the question! The boys were excited, since they LIVE for pancakes, but I don't normally have time in the mornings to make them. I even made a small one for Evan since, for the last few weeks we have been slowly introducing him to table foods!!

He LOVED them! You can tell by his chocolatey face!

After breakfast was over, I went down and opened up the garage to see just how much snow we had already accumulated. It wasn't much, maybe 5 inches or so, but it was WET and HEAVY.

In fact it was so heavy that it pulled down a wire from our house. Since we didn't lose power, I knew it wasn't a power line, so the only thing I can think of it being is phone line or something and we don't have a land line so it wouldn't affect us.

I came back upstairs and set up the activity that I planned for the morning. The boys Great Aunts got them some fun activity sets for Christmas and this was the prefect day to set one up. It was a plaster magnet set. It came with some paints and paint brushes. I set up some newspaper on the table and let the boys choose the magnets they wanted to paint. I even saved one for myself!

Didn't I do a fantastic job!

Schools were cancelled again today but the roads are clear so I was happy that I could get out of the house. We've already been to Target this morning and then while Evan took a short nap, I took the boys to play out in the snow in our mini-yard! After 20 minutes of being out in the cold they were ready to come in and have some hot chocolate!

Attempting snow angels in our teeny tiny front yard!

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Ha, I love the snow angels picture!