February 1, 2011

Evan: 9 Months!

Today Evan is NINE months old! It's so hard to believe how fast it has gone by. We are pretty much done with baby food as Evan likes "eating" what we are eating. He's had scrambled eggs, pancakes, Spanish rice with black beans, pizza, macaroni and cheese and spaghetti & meatballs. He LOVES real food! I think his favorite is the blueberry muffin I have been getting him from Dunkin Donuts, but who wouldn't love that!

He still only has two teeth (on the bottom) and we're currently working on some sleep training. He had a pretty nasty cold the last two weeks with an on and off fever so I didn't think it would be very nice of me to sleep train a sick baby! Now that he is better we've decided to try it again. So far so good. He's sleeping longer stretches and we are down to only nursing once per night instead of three times! The last two nights he even slept straight through to 3am! That is a HUGE improvement!

He has mastered getting from point A to point B, by using the Army crawl. He's so fast too! We're going to be putting up the gate very soon! Other milestones he is working on mastering, is pulling himself up to standing. He's done it a few times but he's still not 100% yet. I also won't be surprised to see him start cruising soon. You can tell he really wants to when he is standing up holding onto the couch and there is something at the other side he wants. He goes next Monday for his 9 month well check and we'll get to find out how big he is. He has really thinned out so I won't be surprised if he is around the same weight as he was at 6 months. It's all that army crawling around the living room to work off all that new food!

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