September 6, 2011

Back to School

It's back to school time and this year is a big year for back to school. David is now in kindergarten and Shaun is going to preschool! Shaun's preschool is 3 days a week so that will give me some one on one time with Evan! On Friday's I have signed us up for a Mommy and Me swim class. We had our first one last week and he loved it!

Back to school was different this year in the fact that we recently relocated to a new city with a different set up. Back in Revere they had full day kindergarten and while I am sad that David is only in school for 2.5 hours a day we'll make the best of it. I have signed him up for some different activities to make up for the time he won't be in school. I think he is most excited about learning to play the piano. Another difference was how he started his first week. The first day of school was a Meet and Greet where he went in and colored a name tag for himself and met the teachers (his teacher is leaving soon to have a baby so he'll have a guest teacher for the first part of the year).

David at his Meet and Greet

The next day, Wednesday was set aside for half of the class to attend and then the remaining half would attend on Thursday. Friday and Monday were closed for the Holiday weekend. Since David didn't have school on Wednesday we decided to take one last trip to Revere to visit since they don't start until the 8th. I made sure to bring my camera so that I could get a picture of David and Briana. They started school together 2 years ago and I have gotten a picture each year. Just because they are no longer in the same school doesn't mean I can't get a Back to School picture!

Thursday we needed to be up bright and early! School starts at 7:45am sharp! I woke David up and he jumped out of bed and said "It's my first day of school!" then he proceeded to thank me for waking him up for his first day of school! I am wondering how long before I get "just a few more minutes of sleep please!" We ate breakfast, I packed him his healthy snack (an apple) and we went outside to take the obligatory "First Day of School" pictures!

Kindergarten 2011 (I got the idea for the chalk board from a blog; who stole it from the Pottery Barn Kids catalog!)

At school checking out the scene.

Our kindergartner! They grow up so fast!

The boys waiting to bring David to his classroom

David waiting in line to get picked up after a great first day!

He loves his class and he loves his school. He was just as excited to wake up this morning for his second day of school (the first day with his entire class!). Today was also a special day because this was Shaun's first day and Meet and Greet.

Pre-School 2011

Our preschooler! Getting so big!

Walking to the school ready to take on the world!

David (a pro at this school thing!) walking side by side with his little brother, showing him the way!

David and Shaun ready for school!

In Shaun's classroom he walked right in found his cubby and then sat down to play with the Mr. Potato head that was set up on one of the tables. Since I had Evan with me I wasn't able to spend much time walking around with Shaun as I was chasing Evan and making sure he wasn't destroying the place! Shaun seemed just fine and when they asked all the parents to head over to the library for a brief meeting, Shaun said to me, "Mommy, I can stay here?" I think he'll be just fine tomorrow when I drop him off!

Evan didn't want to leave the classroom. He made himself quite at home. He's going to be so sad when we drop Shaun off tomorrow and we don't get to stay again.

Everything went as smooth as could be. I think both kids are going to have a great year and I am looking forward to watching them develop a love of learning!


Teachinfourth said...

They look quite dapper in those hats. First days of school are always exciting and fun, aren't they?

Boston Pam said...

Thank you! And yes they are fun! Especially when it's a big milestone like starting preschoool for the very first time or high school. Big times for kids.