Last Day
Today is our last day before we fly back home. Since we were out very late the night before, we planned for this day to be relaxing day with no rushing or running around! Of course my children were up early regardless so I had them get their suits on and hit the pool so they could let the rest of the house sleep in peace!
Loving the pool! |
Even though we did not have a set plan for today, when we purchased our Universal Studio tickets, it came with a free day. We decided to head back to the Island of Adventures (where the boys could potentially see Captain America again!). It was the side they had the most fun on and they were excited to have a change to play in Seuss Land again and I, of course, was excited to have another chance to walk around Hogsmeade and get one last Butter Beer!
We planned to go after naps so it would give everyone a chance to relax and start packing. We headed out late morning to have some brunch at MIL's favorite breakfast chain, Perkins! We figured since we were going to be over at Universal anyway, that we would just plan to eat dinner at one of the restaurants at City Walk. The grandmothers agreed to take the children so that Kristin, Charlie and I could have a grown up dinner! I made all the reservations, we chose to try Emeril's and the kids and grandma's were going to go to an Italian place next door. It ended up being a perfect end to our trip!
Shaun checking out how tall he is! |
David checking out his height, turns out he was just a 1/2 inch shy of being able to ride by himself...oh time! |
The first thing we did was head back to Hogsmeade. Shaun really wanted a chance to ride the Hippogriff roller coaster again and I really wanted my Butter Beer! Don't judge, it was HOT! We get over to the roller coaster and everyone gets in line and I stay back with Evan. That is, until he decided he HAD to go on it too! He was tall enough, but since David wasn't tall enough to ride alone there were not enough grown ups to kids for Evan to ride...unless...I rode too! ACK! Have I mentioned yet, that I don't do roller coasters? I know, it's not Incredible Hulk or Dragon Challenge, but still. I wasn't very excited. Of course, while Evan and tired to catch up to the rest of the crew, he told me over and over "It's not scary, Mommy!, It's not scary!" You would think if my 3 year old was not afraid, then his 33 year old mother could suck it up!! Anyway...while it wasn't awful, I was definitely not in a rush to get on again!
Me and the boys after our roller coaster ride! |
Next we waited in line for our Butter Beers, and then headed back to Suess Land were we left the grandmothers and the little kids to play while Charlie, Kristin and I took my nephew Scottie over to Marvel Island. He was excited to have a chance to ride his all time favorite ride of the week,
Scottie's all time favorite ride! I like it a lot too! |
We still had some time to kill before we had to leave the park to make our dinner reservations. So Kristin suggested that we check out the Jurrasic Park River Adventure. I didn't remember it being that intense or getting very wet and Scottie seemed to be excited to try it and bonus, there was no line! So that is what we did. And then I regretted that choice! Not only was the drop much more intense than I had remembered (ack!) but we got soaked! Oh well, good thing we still had a half hour to dry off before our reservations! The guy behind me joked that he only got as wet as he did because the person in front of him (ahem, me!) ducked at the drop! I guess I forgot to tell him that I do that on the drops! Ha!
Scottie on the River Adventure! |
Yup. Soaked! |
This became his third favorite, after M.I.B. |
We headed back to Seuss Land to meet up with the rest of the crew and head out to our reservations. It was such a fun day, relaxing and no pressure since we had already done all thing rides we had wanted to we could just go back and redo our favorites! Dinner at Emeril's was pretty good. I wouldn't say it was the most awesome food ever, but it was nice to have some time to have grown up conversation and drink a glass of Sangria!
Fun in Suess Land! |
And now it's back to the house to get the kids to bed and the house packed up, we need to be up early to make our 9am flight!
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