August 9, 2016


I don't know how this happened, but I'm the mother of a TEN year old!!  It seems like just yesterday the nurse was handing him to me all bundled up.  It's been a joy watching him grow into his own person.  He's becoming more independent and maybe a little too smart for his own good.  He even spent his first week away from home, 2 1/2 hours away at a the Sonatina Piano Camp in VT.

He has a variety of interests, but has started to hone in on his favorites, like giving up soccer for baseball.  He's really enjoying learning how to play different instruments and excited to delve into some colonial American history this year in school.   I can't wait to see what this year brings, his last year in elementary school.

David was spending the week at my parents camp, but we made plans to meet up for his birthday to do our annual trip with Grammy to FunSpot.  We finished the day with lunch at our tradiational stop, Hart's Turkey Farm and then stopped for a birthday treat at Jordan's Ice Cream (a place I'd been dying to try!).  I would say that we made TEN a very special day for David!

All the loot they won from winning so many bonuses.  They got to split a little over 10,000 tickets!


Ten year well check to get his stats!

HEIGHT: 55 inches (54th percentile)
WEIGHT: 71lbs (51st percentile)

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