March 19, 2017

52 Weeks ~ 2017: Week 11

Week 11 - weekly update includes a our annual St. Patrick's Day feast, a blizzard and show week for the schools production of Willy Wonka, Jr.  It was quite the busy week!

Sunday March 12th

Because St. Patrick's Day was during the boys show, we opted to celebrate today.  It was lots of fun, the corned beef and cabbage dinner was delicious and we love getting decked out in our St. Patrick's Day Gear.

A cake for the late February and March birthdays!

Monday March 13th

With news of the major snow storm that was coming our way on Tuesday, the directors of the show decided to do a full sound and costume rehearsal.  If school is cancelled, they would miss a very important show week rehearsal.  

Shaun's first microphone!

Practicing with sound, costumes and props

Tuesday March 14th

The weather forecast was correct, we got slammed with some snow!  No school and by the afternoon, the visibility was very poor.

Wednesday March 15th 

Willy Wonka dress rehearsal!  I could only stay for a short time since I had a school board meeting, but the kids looked and sounded great!

Thursday March 16th

Opening Night!

The Wall of Fame
Mike Teavee
Each character was assigned a group of Oompa Loompas and they were given a color.  Shaun was assigned to be part of Violet's scenes and so he was blue!

Blue Oompa Loompa

Friday March 17th

The boys had lots of family in the audience for their show tonight!  The boys appreciated all the support!

Grammy and the boys!

These 3 did such a great job in their first KIA show!

Saturday March 18th

Closing the show is always the hardest part!  This was quite the production, more moving parts than the previous shows we've been involved with.  The kids impressed me so much!

Proud Momma & baby brother!

Shaun and Delaney!

These guys were in it since the beginning!  Can't believe it was their last show!

More family in the audience for the closing!

Auntie Kristin with the boys!

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