November 8, 2008

Rice Cereal: Better than a 30 Minute Meal!

Shaun is going to be 5 months on Monday which is not hard to believe since he's already wearing 6-9 month clothing, is as big as an 8 month old and by next month will be too big for the infant car seat carrier. *sigh*

And since Shaun is such a big boy I probably could have started him on cereal a month ago but I wanted to use the same feeding schedule I used with David (5 months - cereal, 6 months - veggies, 7 months - fruit). He has already been using the highchair a lot since he outgrew his bouncy seat and I needed somewhere to put him during dinner.

Here is Shaun sitting in his high chair for the first time:

So tonight we started rice cereal! David was not a huge fan his first time but Shaun couldn't get enough of the stuff. I couldn't feed it to him fast enough. Tonight he earned his nickname Ziggy Piggy!


"Gimme more WOMAN!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he looks more like david in these pics!!!! so handsome! cant' wait to see the little porka on tuesday!