Height: 37 inches - 30th percentile
Weight: 31 pounds - 45th percentile
Still a little shorty! But otherwise healthy and happy and that is what is important. In a few weeks he'll be starting pre-school. I can't believe how fast he is growing up! Since he has mastered the uppercase letters of the alphabet we decided to see how he would do with lowercase letters, and he is doing pretty well, though still confusing some that look similar like "f" and "t". We have also bought some "homework" books like tracing letters, lines and shapes as well as a book about showing the US States (part of our BumbleBear project). Every night before bed he'll ask to do his homework! He is really going to love school!
Check out David in his new hoodie he got from Aunt Karen on Tuesday! He has pretty much worn it all day since he got it. Guess he doesn't care that it's 80 degrees outside!