October 31, 2018

October 30, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Well check for Shaun!  Growing like a weed!

Height: 4 ft 9 inches
Weight: 101 lbs

October 28, 2018

October 27, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Cheering on our favorite soccer player in the rain!

The Dread Pirate Roberts and The Princess Bride

As you wish!

October 26, 2018

October 20, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

These guys worked hard at my KIA Audition Boot Camp!  They deserved this!

Maximum relaxation!

October 17, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Shaun speaking in front of his school about his role on the Student Council

My favorite Student Council Rep!

October 15, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

We brought Remy and Auggie to Evan's class Pet Day. Auggie, as predicted, wanted no part in it and curled up in his crate the whole time. Remy was much more curious and poked his head out of the crate a few times and even let me hold him for a short time before he wanted back in where it was safe! 😻

October 13, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Sportsing in this weather is for the birds... 🌧️🌫️ 

Ready to see Evan's friend play the Steward in the Majestic's production of Into the Woods! 

Evan and the Steward!

October 11, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

My new obsession - Ramen!

Spicy Pork Ramen Noodles

Remy is waiting for his bowl!

October 7, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Charlie ran the local 1/2 Marathon again this year.  The boys and I always like to cheer him on at the finish line!

Charlie had a great run today! He was the 14th runner to cross and his time was 1:23:54. Slower than last year and one of his slower runs, but he had less time to train after Reach the Beach and he was hurting at the end. I still think he did AMAZING!

5K: 19:17
10K: 38:46
10m: 1:03:29

Then that night I headed to see Maroon 5!  It was an amazing night - Adam puts on quite a show!

That moment when Adam looked right at me as he was singing!

October 6, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

Fall Ball was about working on new skills and improving others - this Fall he got a chance to try pitching and he did a great job considering that he never pitched before!

October 1, 2018

PROJECT 12M ~ October 2018

My boy Auggie loves to take long naps on the couch!  How can I argue with that!