December 31, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

On account of the pandemic our traditional NewYearsAPalooza was via zoom!  It wasn't the same, but it was better than nothing!

December 30, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

 No turning back now! Updating to a more neutral teenager room.

December 25, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! 🎅  Quieter than usual but we made the most of our morning! 🥰 

Good morning and Merry Christmas to me! 😆🥂🎅

The annual scavenger hunt was a giant blow up Santa for the yard.  I don't know why David wanted this so badly, but he did. 😂

The cats love their new kitty hammocks!

Evan was very excited to get his own pair of snow shoes!

Dad came through (with the help of a friend) to be the Christmas hero for all of them!

For anyone who loves Friends as much as we do!

Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

Another small gathering due to COVID.  We're making the best of it by keeping our family traditions going.  I present the opening of the new pajamas on Christmas Eve photo extravaganza.

Christmas onesies! 🎅

MOM: Oooh!  Isn't that cute?!! That is the most precious thing I have seen in my life.
DAD: He looks like a deranged Easter bunny.
MOM: He does not.
DAD: He does, he looks like a pink nightmare.  Are you happy wearing that???!!!!

....and to all a good night. 🎅🎄🥰

December 21, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

This singing momma is bursting with pride at the beautiful solo from Evan in his Purple Finches virtual performance of Sound of Silence.  🤩

For student privacy, I'm unable to share the full song but I recorded just Evan's part to share.

There are so few opportunities to preform in these COVID times, and so I'm eternally grateful for all of our kids music teachers and the incredible amount of work they are doing to give them an outlet to share their craft.  🎶💕🎤🎵

December 20, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

 Being active in winter!

Shaun trying his Nordic skis for the first time.

Evan trying out snowshoeing!

December 18, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

 New glasses for these two! They both went with very different styles. 🤓 Shaun is still rocking 20/20 vision. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

Shaun worked really hard on being able to sing while playing. Shout out to the best piano teacher around Ms. Abigail for always supporting the boys and encouraging them to challenge themselves musically!! 

 Also there is a funny video bomb...😹🎶🎵🎹

December 17, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

 Snowpocalypse 2020!  Lots and lots of snow.  

Adam thinks I did a great job clearing the driveway and the walkway! 👍🏻😁

When your street has not seen a plow truck since 8:30am, you break out the snow shoes and go for a walk. Maybe before Charlie gets home they'll come through with the plow. 🤷🏻‍♀️☃️😊

How my kids "play" in the snow! ❄️😆

That is a lot of snow!  The cats are confused!

December 9, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

 Putting together his cousin's Christmas gift on his "flex day" off from school. 

December 5, 2020

12M ~ December 2020

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  With a snow storm and everything!

Some night sledding - now that the snow has accumulated!

November 26, 2020

12M ~ November 2020

 Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

It was a quiet holiday this year due to COVID, but we still had to make sure to have some turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 Missing all of our family today. My annual picture is looking a lot different this year. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mom. I can haz turkey too? 🦃😹

I am the only pie person in the house, so I made dark chocolate bourbon bundt cake with a chocolate bourbon glaze for dessert instead. 🥃