September 30, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Another XC meet for Shaun and he beat his time from his first race.  

2 miles: 23:31

September 25, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

David said that one of the best things when he was at RMS were the soups for hot lunch! I can only hope my homemade French onion is as good! I even offered free delivery. 😆

First XC meet today. 🏃🏻
He finished with a time of 26:45. He said it was hard and hilly, but he did better than his Dad did in his first XC race, so he was happy! 😂 And now he has his time to beat.

September 23, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Shaun's first XC meet! 🏃 I can't wait to get his official time. His goal for the season is to improve his time from this race to his last race!

September 21, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

 New running sneakers! He is ready for his first XC meet on Wednesday! 🏃

September 17, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

We're officially done with orchestra in this family.  Evan has joined his brothers with wanting to be in the band.  He's going to be learning percussion and was so excited when his music teacher told him his bell kit was ready for pick up!

September 14, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

It's nice to have a friend in the hood to take a quick screen free motor break before getting back online for the rest of the day. 🚴😊

Proud of this one today! He ran the hood loop alone for the first time. Big brothers are doing XC and run every day after school with their teams, so Evan is on his own. He has gym for his special every day and so this morning we made him a playlist on his iPod, he checked in with his teacher and then he was off! He did great and loved being able to listen to some tunes! With all the sitting and screens it's more important than ever to keep them active!! 🏃

First XC practice for Shaun.  With school being remote and no theater to participate in, he's trying something new to stay connected to friends.

September 12, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

I did a thing today. 🚴‍♀️ 16 miles. In hilly Hopkinton. Exhausted and sore but feeling proud. 💪🏻That is double the distance of my longest ride. Also Charlie does that distance on foot. 🏃 I can't even. 😂 @ Elm Brook Recreation Area

September 8, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

First Day of School:
The One Where We Were Remote!

Remote Learning Day 1 in the books! On to day 2.

Nasty and ready to vote! Also, as we wrap up the first remote school day...the arrival of my newest mask was timely. #civicduty

Support local businesses that support their community! 🍦🥰💞

After a rough start for Shaun (not being able to log on to his Social Studies class this morning), and some connection issues for David and Evan (they both got kicked out of their zooms early on and had to log back in...), we all survived and it could have been a lot worse! My boys have amazing teachers and I think we're going to be OK! One day at a time! 😊

These boys definitely earned this sweet reward!

September 6, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Back on the diamond for some Fall Ball! ⚾ Wooden bat league! It's such a gorgeous doesn't get any better than this! 😊🌞 @ Gilbert H. Hood Middle School

September 5, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Our friends hosted a Kentucky Derby party so we all got dressed up, drank mint juleps and placed bets on the race!

Derby ready! 🐎🐴🥃

I was the winner because it was my birthday yesterday!

September 4, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Birthday festivities with my favorite person!  Gym, hair appointment and a great dinner at Hooked!  

Happy hair from @hellohairco! All ready for my birthday dinner date! This is 41! 🤩 #birthdaydiva

September 2, 2020

12M ~ September 2020

Commons A Freshman Orientation for these two today! 🥺

Materials for remote learning all picked up! Ready to roll on Tuesday!