March 26, 2007

Future Spokesbaby for OshKosh B'Gosh?

So I am finally getting around to posting David's portraits we had done at the end of Februrary. He had a blast and was playful the whole time! It really shows in the pictures.

March 25, 2007

What's for Dinner?

Tonight David tried Chicken for the first time! It was his first meat and actually his first real solid food in almost two weeks. He's been sick and finally getting over it!

He seemed to like it OK. He makes feeding very difficult because he is more interested in playing with the spoon than eating what's on it. Also he tries to grab the plate with the food.

Mommy and Daddy had Turkey and Artichoke Stuffed Shells with Arrabbiata Sauce. David and I watch the Food Network all the time! We tend to watch it on the weekends when there is nothing else on at 7am and I REFUSE to put on the Wiggles!! We were watching Everyday Italian and she made this recipe. It looked so yummy we decided to try it out and there was enough to freeze for another day. I would recommend it. It makes a lot and it was very tasty!

March 22, 2007

New Babies, New Haircut & A Wedding

So we're back from our week long trip to NH. It was very busy with lots of running around and new little ones to meet! Here is a recap of our week:

Friday March 9, 2006: David's 7 Months old today!
We headed to Princess B's for the weekend. The traffic wasn't too bad and we were able to get into town by 11:00pm. David got to meet Milo (aka Little Dude) the newest member of their clan.

Saturday March 10, 2006: David and I are the only ones awake at 7am so we have fun playing with Little Dude (who is a big fan of David's activity mat). They became fast friends. David isn't used to nice friendly cats since his fur-brothers Trot and Drew don't like him very much. Once the rest of the crew decided to join us we made plans to head into the city. It was a nice day and on the warm side as long as the sun was shining.

We walked around the park and into the Downtown Crossing area. David enjoyed seeing the city sitting in his stroller like the big boy he is! He started to get fussy in the stroller and so Daddy put him in the BABYBJÖRN®. He seemed to really like that. After a little while though he was cranky and ready for a nap so we decided to head back and think about our dinner plans.. Princess B found a really decent Mexican Restaurant and David enjoyed trying Prunes for the very first time. The tortilla chips and salsa were really good and everyone seemed to enjoy their meals.

When we got back David went to bed and we decided to teach Princess B how to play our favorite card game 45's. She caught on really quickly. Once she got the hang of it we played our team version (guys against girls) and we each won a game!

Sunday March 11, 2006: Ham dinner at Mom and Dad's.
We woke up and headed to eat breakfast at this really cute cafe and then it was time to head to NH. We were going to meet Savanah Banana.The whole family was there and there was plenty of food to go around. We even had a visit from Stephie and Jocelyn who stopped by for a quick visit to see the babies. After dinner Krystal & Little David had a talk with baby Cohen who was a couple days late for his big arrival. David patted on her belly while she yelled "Come out Cohen!" Unfortunately it didn't work. Oh well, it was worth a shot! We hung out for a little while chatting and enjoying the day.

Here is David looking cool in Krystal's sunglasses:

Monday March 12, 2007: Relaxation at last!
So we purposely did not plan anything for this day because we knew the rest of the week was going to be busy. David was up early as usual and I was exhausted. We only left the house to grab some lunch and come back to do nothing it was AWESOME! MIL and I went for a walk that afternoon as it was a beautiful day and then David got to try out his new highchair.

David trying out a real carrot (I don't think he liked it very much!)

Tuesday March 13, 2007: To Hanover NH We Go!
We head up north for the Doc's interview at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for Cardiology Fellowship. We stopped for lunch at Molly's (one of our favorite places to eat in Hanover). There was a lot of snow even though it was on the warm side. We never really got much snow here so I had no pictures of David with snow. I had the Doc put his car carrier in the snow and we took a picture. Guess it's better than nothing!

Dartmouth had arranged for us to stay the night at the Hanover Inn. The room was super nice, complete with a king sized bed and flat screen TV. David enjoyed the bed too and he didn't think it was fair that we enjoy it without him. He ended up joining us around 11pm after waking up and not going back to sleep. He had a slight fever so I suppose we can cut him some slack (wink).

Wednesday March 14, 2007: Interview Day and a visit to M.J. Hayward.
While the Doc went off to his interview David and I enjoyed a pretty decent breakfast at the hospital's cafeteria. After that we walked over to where I used to work before moving to Philly. They let me crash for the morning and I was able to catch up with my old co-workers. Before heading out of town we went to Lui Lui's for lunch (another one of our favorite places to eat). There spinach and artichoke dip is the BEST we've ever had! By the time we got home that afternoon we were so exhausted we both napped while Mimi watched our runny nosed little guy! That night we headed over to the Stacks for dinner and since our little man was under the weather we weren't able to get any pictures of the two boys together. Maybe next time. It was fun to see Brady using more words and running around. He showed us his new room and how he likes to dance to the Wiggles! Little Cohen finally makes his arrival at 7:16pm!

Thursday March 15, 2007: A New Me!
My cousin Pattie picked me up at 7:30am. We had plans to go shopping and we were going over to her salon so I could get my hair cut and colored. She surprised me by treating me to a much needed pedicure! It was awesome and completely relaxing! My hair came out awesome! After the appointment we head over to the hospital to meet Cohen. He is so cute and reminds me a lot of little David. It was the best day - I got a perfect dress for the wedding (and for only $20 bucks), the best haircut and a relaxing foot message and pedicure!

Friday March 16, 2007: The Longest Drive. We leave our sick little guy with Omi and head out into the storm for our friends wedding in NJ. We left NH at 11am and didn't arrive at our hotel until 7:30pm. It was the worst drive ever! We got stuck behind too many trucks that couldn't make it up the hills in CT. Twice we were stuck behind the plow trucks that took up all the lanes so there was no passing. I love driving 15mph. The hotel was nice and the bed was so comfortable. It was the first night in 7 months that I didn't have to wake up for the baby.

Check out David's new trick - he's getting better and better at it. Don't be surprised if we never see him crawl!

Saturday March 17, 2007: A Saint Patrick's Day Wedding Extravaganza! The pictures say it all! It was a great time. And we're so happy for the bride and groom; although a little jealous as they enjoy the next two weeks in Tahiti!

Sunday March 18, 2007: Not quite hungover heading back to NH. So we head back to NH after an awesome time at the wedding. We start off by enjoying a really nice breakfast at the hotel. The Stack's followed us but we lost them in NYC at the GW tolls (we have EZ-Pass and they don't). Once we got back into town we headed to my parents for a St. Patrick's day feast of Corned Beef and Cabbage - YUM! We head back to Princess B's since the Doc had an interview at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston (cross your fingers - he really wants to go there!).

Sleeping Savanah

David and David

David and his Grammy

Monday March 19, 2007: Interview Day and I am a bad mother. While the Doc had his interview I stayed behind crashing at Princess B's. David still has a nasty cold and boogies are just pouring out of his nose. I secured him in the boppy on the couch and walked to the desk where the tissues were. I heard BAM. David had managed in the two seconds I turned my back to roll himself off the couch. Check out his fat lip and cut on his nose and upper lip. Thankfully he was OK but I felt bad since I couldn't explain to him that he was OK. Anyway he'll thank me when he's older since chicks dig guys with scars (wink).

David showing Daddy his battle wounds

After that it was time to head back home. What a great time we had and although it was exhausting it was great seeing everyone. Can't wait to see you all again soon!

March 20, 2007

Cohen Pictures!

As promised here are some pictures of my new nephew Cohen. I got to meet both my niece and nephew this past week in NH and now I can't wait to move back to Boston so I can watch them both grow up! I hope to have the recap from our trip to NH soon but American Idol was on for two hours tonight and so I just HAD to watch!! Enjoy the pictures (I stole them from my brother's MySpace Page)!

Here is the Happy Family!

Little Baby Cohen

Cohen & Savanah - can you believe she is older than him by two weeks?!

And last but not least - Cohen with his favorite Auntie!

March 15, 2007

Welcome Cohen Michael!

He is here - stubborn as a mule but he finally made his entrance via emergency c-section around 8pm last night. Mom and Dad are well and I can't wait to meet the little bugger who gave his mommy so much trouble!

I don't know the exact time but he weighed in at 8lbs 14oz and he was 20.5 inches long. Hopefully someone will be able to load some pictures soon so I can show off my new nephew!

March 13, 2007

What's Worse...

Than a seven month old who doesn't sleep through the night?

A seven month old who doesn't sleep through the night that has a cold/cough. AWESOME!

March 5, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened While Cooking Dinner...

Since David joined our happy family on August 9th I have become really good at multitasking. Not that I was bad before, I mean I could always chew gum and walk at the same time. I have just mastered the art if you know what I mean!

So Friday night I decided that I would feed David while trying to make dinner. I was already prepped so all I had to do was stir and add some finishing touches. I poured the Garden Veggies and Applesauce into his bowl and gave him a few bites. Put the bowl down all the way in the back of the tray and turned around to stir my sauce and mix in the pasta.

I turn around and the bowl is GONE! I look down into the highchair and said "Oh David!" Of course I startled him but I was just so was literally two seconds. I turned away for TWO SECONDS!!! I yelled to the Doc and he came into the kitchen and we couldn't help but laugh. David just looked up at us and smiled - of course he had know idea that he just made a HUGE MESS everywhere! It never occurred to me to take a picture as I was just trying get dinner ready but it was Garden Veggies EVERYWHERE!

The moral to this story is: Never look away from a hungry baby who likes to play with his food instead of eat it!

March 1, 2007

My Scottie is SEVEN Today!

Happy Birthday Buddy! Check out how he has grown over the last five years. That is when I first got the digital camera!

Birthday Picture 2003

Birthday Picture 2004

Birthday Picture 2005

Birthday Picture 2006

Birthday Picture 2007