On Thursday the Doc had to work so the boys and I headed to NH to spend the day with my family. The food was great and I, as always, stuffed my face with food! David had a blast playing with Savanah and Cohen and of course Shaun enjoyed all the attention from everyone!
Uncle John, Savanah, Shaun & Scottie:
Me & the Boys:
Shaun trying some carrots for the first time!
On Friday the Doc had to work (his normal day at the VA Hospital) and so we planned for his family to come to our new place since we didn't know when he would be done for the day. Thankfully they were not busy and he was able to come home early morning. Since he took call the night before he was really tired and they knew he was going to be on call all weekend as well.
I came up with a pretty simple menu which included a very delicious stuffing made with Ciabatta Stuffing with Chestnuts and Pancetta. I did not stuff the bird (yes I know Alton Brown would be so proud) nor did I brine it (yes I know Alton Brown would be so disappointed). With some tips from Brian I used aromatics to stuff the bird in lieu of the stuffing. I used an onion, lemon, apple, garlic, cinnamon sticks, fresh rosemary and fresh thyme. I am a big fan of a butter basted turkey so that is what I did. I used a stick of butter all over the top and covered it in foil. During the last hour of cooking the foil comes off and the baster comes out!
My Turkey:
Shaun enjoying his Thanksgiving feast:
David cutting up his food before eating:
It was another great holiday spent with our families and there is nothing better than that in my book! Now onto Christmas!