Today we had our first ultrasound. It was a long 12 weeks, since with my two prior pregnancies I had already had ultrasounds done at this point. Everything looked great and Baby Squishy is measuring exactly on schedule at 12 weeks. I am feeling tired still, but I'm looking forward to that 2nd trimester boost. Thankfully, the queasiness I was feeling early on has subsided. It was something that I never experienced with David and Shaun and I have to say that it was not pleasant.
David is excited about the baby. He'll say "Mommy, there is a baby in your belly". He also says it is a boy baby because he wants another Shaun. We have had a conversation where he has told us his new "brother's" name. Went something like this:
David: Mommy where is the baby?
Me: You know where the baby is.
David: In your belly!
Me: That is right, is it a girl baby or a boy baby?
David: It's a boy baby, his name is Trouble!
Me: Trouble?!
David: YES!
Turns out after hearing him say the baby's "name" over and over he was saying CHARLES. From the back seat of the car it sounded like Trouble which he now thinks is hilarious! We're trying to explain to him that Charles is Daddy's name and we're going to pick a new name for the baby.
We also found out today that there is a very good chance that David will be getting his wish for another brother. During the scan the tech showed us the legs and I hear Charlie behind me say, "Am I seeing boy parts there?" The tech went back to take a look and, sure enough, there was "something" there. She agreed with Charlie's assessment of what that "something" was but wouldn't say with 100% confidence, since it is still very early and that it might "retract". I'm not sure if that would be a good thing either, though - retracted boy parts... Regardless, Charlie is convinced of what he saw and he now has me convinced. We'll know for sure the Monday before Thanksgiving.
Here are Baby Squishy's first pictures!
The creepy 3D image: