July 20, 2011

Making a House a Home - Part 1

It has been almost a month since we closed on our house and I am happy to say that we have made great progress turning this house into our home! With the exception of a few boxes; most everything is unpacked and put in it's new place! We've even hung some of our pictures on the wall. There is still so much we have planned but most of it will have to wait until at least next spring. I have been photographing the journey and wanted to share the first stage of our move tonight:

Boxes are all packed in Revere:

Evan's Room

David & Shaun's Room

David and Shaun seeing the house for the first time and checking out their new bedrooms! Only Evan (who was 10.5 months old at the time) was the only one to see the house before we closed!

"My Monkey, I have a Monkey!!!" Shaun's reaction to seeing the big gorilla that is painted on the wall of his new room!

Evan already knows his way around!

The kids had a BLAST running around the empty house checking out all the rooms and opening all the doors; finding new places to hide and explore! The next step is furnishing this empty house with all the stuff packed in the boxes above! That made for a very interesting and very long day...(to be continued!)

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