May 31, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 151
Happy Birthday to Charlie! Hanging out up north on the night of the big race! A little afternoon mini-golf, Lui Lui's for dinner, Dairy Twirl for dessert and some pool time at the hotel! It's always fun to visit our pre-kid stomping grounds with the kids.
May 30, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 150
Deck Renovation Project Day 17: Putting up the roofing and trim! Next up: the electrician is coming on Monday, the door to the balcony is scheduled for the end of next week and hopefully the concrete slab will go down for the shed portion of this renovation!
May 29, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 149
Deck Renovation Project Day 17: The ceiling brackets and drainage system for the balcony.
May 28, 2014
May 27, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 147
Deck Renovation Project Day 15: The roof angles are complete and now the plywood! It is starting to look like a covered roof! And of course, we had another rain delay. I better start seeing some sun! We've had enough with the rain delays on this project!!
May 26, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 146
Can you believe these two are FOUR now!?
May 25, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 145
Memorial Day get together 2014! It's a win when they all sit still. We'll work on getting smiles all around and everyone looking at the camera, perhaps, for the next get together!
May 24, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 144
Today I headed to Manchester for a Location Lighting Walkabout at SOPHA. Thankfully it didn't rain and the sun even showed his face. The class was to show how you can integrate studio light with natural light. This shot happens to be a natural light shot, using a white PLM as a diffuser. Now to put this new knowledge to work! Practice makes perfect!
May 23, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 143
Deck Renovation Project Day 14: Almost finished with the roof angles; again Mother Nature making things difficult and they didn't have a chance to finish before the afternoon monsoon hit.
May 22, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 142
Deck Renovation Project Day 13: Working on where the roof angles from the balcony.
May 21, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 141
Deck Renovation Project Day 12: The beginnings of a balcony!
May 20, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 140
Deck Renovation Project Day 11: Roofing support system pretty close to complete!
May 19, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 139
Deck Renovation Project Day 10: Roofing system supported by a truckload of LVL's, party on the future widow's walk!
May 18, 2014
May 17, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 137
I know it turned out to be a beautiful day, but swimming in Mid-May?! Insanity! They insisted and they lasted a lot longer than I thought they would.
May 16, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 136
Deck Renovation Project Day 9: Perimeter beam continued...but work halted on account of the rain...
May 15, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 135
Deck Renovation Project Day 8: Look! A wall! At least the start of one!
May 14, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 134
Deck Renovation Project Day 7: I was wrong, no walls today. Day 7 was the installation of the second set of support beams, necessary since we're adding a balcony to the roof of the porch.
May 13, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 133
Deck Renovation Project Day 6: To use my brother David's term...that is a sexy looking wood! Next up, walls!
May 12, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 132
Deck Renovation Project Day 5: The wood is being installed!
May 11, 2014
The 3rd annual Mother's Day Brunch!
I love brunch! And nothing makes brunch more fun than spending it with family. Since we moved into the new house I have hosted brunch for Mother's Day at the house. We enjoyed french toast casserole, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, fruit salad, muffins and croissants! It was of course, all delicious!
Me and my boys! |
Cousins! |
The Moms! |
My Mom and her kids! |
Mom and her "Baby" |
May 10, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 130
Evan had his 4 year check up on Thursday. He's going to outgrow his older brothers, he is in the 90th percentile for his height and weight!
May 9, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 129
Deck Renovation Project Day 4: After 3 long days, battle "Support Beam Installation" is over and we no longer have mini-pools in our back yard!
May 8, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 128
Deck Renovation Project Day 3: They fought the lawn and the lawn won...the baby excavator was Plan C.
May 7, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 127
Deck Renovation Project Day 2: Digging holes for support beams in former wet lands = massive headache for our new friend Greg. Plan B tomorrow.
Evan Michael 4.0
Evan is FOUR! His birthday was on the 1st, but today he had his check up and his official stats are in! Evan is in the 90th percentile for both his height and weight. He is taller than David was at FIVE!
He's such a great big ball of personality. He's super friendly and will tell you his whole life story, after he first says; "Hi! My name is Evan Michael, what's your name?"
It's been a lot of fun watching him grow over the past year, he's having a great first year in preschool and started his first big boy activity this spring; making the age cut off for T-ball!
He is the biggest ham, super stubborn, super sweet and knows how to wrap you around his little finger. He's Evan Michael and wants the world to know it!
HEIGHT: 42.5 inches (89th percentile)
WEIGHT: 45.5 lbs (96th percentile)
Since we do one big birthday bash for all 3 boys in the summer, we like to make their actual birthday special. We have cake and the birthday boy gets their choice of places to have dinner! Evan chose to go to the local Mexican restaurant and proceeded to tell every person he saw that he was their for his birthday! After our dinner, the staff came over and put a hat on his head and sang him a birthday song in Spanish and gave him a little treat! He looked so cute!
He's such a great big ball of personality. He's super friendly and will tell you his whole life story, after he first says; "Hi! My name is Evan Michael, what's your name?"
It's been a lot of fun watching him grow over the past year, he's having a great first year in preschool and started his first big boy activity this spring; making the age cut off for T-ball!
He is the biggest ham, super stubborn, super sweet and knows how to wrap you around his little finger. He's Evan Michael and wants the world to know it!
HEIGHT: 42.5 inches (89th percentile)
WEIGHT: 45.5 lbs (96th percentile)
Funny Faces! |
Birthday treat at El Rodeo! |
This year (thanks to Pinterest!) I saw a tutorial for making Lorax cupcakes! They came out much better than I expected and Evan was really excited to share them with his classmates and then with his brothers after dinner!
We had to wait to do gifts because his brother's (using their own allowance money) ordered Evan a special birthday present online and it didn't arrive on time. So Evan got an extended birthday celebration and loved the Queen Elsa Disney Infinity character that they picked out for him.
Evan loves Pete the Cat! Here is a cute little video of him "reading" one of his Pete the Cat books back in March.
Evan is FOUR! |
I'm the Lorax, I speak for the Trees! |
Having fun with the candy mustaches |
The mustache was the big hit of the night! |
We got him a big boy reading light for his bedroom, just like his big brothers! |
And no reading light is complete without another Pete the Cat Book! |
May 6, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 126
Deck Renovation Project Day 1: Deck Demo
May 5, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 125
Such a nugget!
May 4, 2014
365 ~ 2014: Day 124
I still can't get over how grown up Shaun looks with his new haircut!
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