December 29, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

Evan's Christmas present to see the Celtics play at the TD Garden.  

The "Celtics" drink at Rabia's Dolce Fumo! And in case you couldn't tell - it's basically pure sugar in liquid form. 😂

Stuffed Lobster special - before and after.  😋


December 24, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

It's basically been a dumpster fire of a week leading up to today, so this was a much needed break from reality even though I should have been cleaning and wrapping. 😬😆

It was even more amazing than I had expected and worth the chaos to come to finish getting read for 🎅!!

Christmas week dumpster fire - pajama edition:

It's our tradition to give the boys pajamas every year. I ordered the pajamas right after thanksgiving. Two from one company, one from another. Both websites ensured Christmas delivery if ordered by the 3rd of December. Shaun's arrived two weeks ago. David and Evan's are apparently still on the barge. 🤦‍♀

With everything going on I wasn't able to come up with plan B until today. We made a quick stop at Target after the movie, and lo and behold, the stars aligned and the choir of angels sang, as I grabbed the last 3 pajamas they had in their size.

David asked if he could throw them in the dumpster fire after this picture! I said yes, yes he could. 😂


Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night! 🎅🎄🥰

December 23, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

When you have to take your kid to an early morning appointment in your old stomping grounds, you take him to one of your old favorites for breakfast! 😋

Came back from Evan's appointment to this!  #itsfineimfineeverythingsfine 😆

New oven and dishwasher installation - excited to have the oven before hosting Christmas. Less excited about the fact that I can't use this space right now and I'm way behind on a bunch of stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️

My kitchen on Christmas Eve Eve! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪

Demo Day 2:

Flooring all ripped up. And the addition of 6 more fans! 🤪😆
They'll be back after Christmas to begin the upper floor and I'm beyond thankful that I get to have my kitchen intact for now! 😬

December 22, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

Disaster strikes!  The main floor toilet was unbeknownst leaking into the downstairs.

Not exactly how we wanted to spend these precious few days before Christmas. But it could certainly be worse. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The team at Servpro are total Rockstars and definitely need to be at the top of Santa's nice list! 🎅🎄

Demo Day 1: 

December 11, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

Kick off to getting into the Holiday spirit began today with the Purple Finches Christmas concert. So glad to have live performances back. 🎄🎶

December 4, 2021

12M ~ December 2021

The Three Musketeers ~ All Swash and No Buckle.  This was Evan's first PEG play and Shaun's last. 

Gentleman (the Telethon Host)

Aramis the Gallant Musketeer

Hey!  Want to fight?  I'll go get my sword!