June 7, 2007

My Civic Duty

Today I did my civic duty - showed up at the Criminal Justice Center on 13th and Filbert Street - sat in a room with a whole bunch of people until they called my name - went upstairs and watched a video and waited some more until they decided they no longer needed me - they gave me my $9 check and I was on my way.

Yup that's right I had Jury Duty!

How lucky was I that (1) I was chosen for a criminal case panel where the defendant took the plea bargain and (2) they didn't need to "recycle" us back into the pool. I was done by 10:45! I can not be called upon again for a whole year and hopefully by then I will be living in another city! What luck!

1 comment:

Christina said...

You got off easy: I was actually picked to sit on a federal drug trafficking case that lasted two weeks. I was Juror #11. Lucky for me, it was last April when the weather was perfect, the hours were MUCH better than my work hours, and I lived within walking distance of the Brooklyn Federal courthouse. Oh, and they fed us for the two days we deliberated! Overall, not a bad deal...