August 12, 2007

Learning Bad Habits

As David grows up, we've started to notice more habits that remind us of dear old mom. The most obvious is that he eats EXACTLY like she does. You can get some sense of it in this video. When David eats, one hand goes in the mouth while the other searches for more food, he chews with his mouth open (one of my favorite habits that he shares with the missus), and if there is no food left for him to grab, he gets upset - even when his mouth is already full!

Just for a full sense of things, this video was taken while he was working on his second cup of yogurt after he had already downed a bowl of cherioes and a cup of milk.


Princess B said...


Anonymous said...

I think I recall a conversation about that during my most recent trip...I was hysterical watching this one. Love it!!