So I know it's now Tuesday but I am still recovering from the past weekend in NH. We got to spend the day on Saturday with our friends and meet the newest member of the clan Cam. I couldn't get over the "infant" cry - it is so different from the toddler whine!
Cameron (one of the few times with his eyes open)
David had so much fun at the Stack's. He was able to run around in the back yard and play with Brady. It was so cute to watch David follow Brady around. He also got to enjoy the really sweet playroom that they have set up right off their living room. Check out the new toy David just fell in love with. It was a lucky find for Erica at a yard sale. I think we'll be looking into something like this he seems to like sitting in chairs!
David was also able to spend some time with his Auntie Kristin. She was kind enough to watch him for us a couple times over the weekend so we could run errands and have "adult" time. She was even kinder to us when at 1am we realized we didn't have our house key. We had to wake her up from a sound sleep by ringing the doorbell a number of times and banging on her window!! Thankfully she heard us right away and let us in! What a great
SIL! The best part was being able to sleep in a little because she got him when he woke up and played with him!
On Sunday we headed to the North Shore for Ben & Robyn's
baby shower. The drive was nostalgic for me since I went to college out that way. We had a great time and got to watch the Patriots kick some Dallas behind!
Unfortunately since the game was on at 4:15pm we didn't leave MA until the game was over - arriving in Philly at 1:20am.
David decided that he didn't really want to sleep which meant that I couldn't sleep. I am paying for it now...I am SO tired! Oh was worth it because we had so much fun seeing everyone. Only 247 days until we move back home!