And by hat trick I mean, I have now had a major fall in all three pregnancies. The first fall I was
21 weeks along with David and somehow rolled my ankle on a wood chip. The second fall I was
15 weeks along with Shaun and slipped on the wet floor after coming off the El. I do not know what my problem is with staying on two feet while pregnant. It's actually a little ridiculous.
Here is what happened. Yesterday I was cleaning up after lunch and turned around to head back into the kitchen where I slipped on David's sweatshirt that he had taken off. It couldn't have just been a graceful fall on my butt, no, I fell hard on my hip after my arm got caught in trashcan cover, spilling some contents of the trash out all over me. I mean, really. I hurt all over.
It was just me and the boys when it happened but that doesn't help the ego, I still feel like the biggest klutz. My arm has a huge bruise where it scrapped against the trash cover, and I have a slight limp. Not to sound like a drama queen, but it feels like I might need a hip replacement (OK, it's not really that bad but man it hurts like hell!).
I got ZERO sympathy from the Doc who laughed at me (again) while calling me a FEEB for the rest of the night. This was the worst of the three falls, I am banged up and bruised and this time it's more than just my ego.
As you can see from the picture above I am HUGE! I feel so much bigger this time around, but I am going to chalk it up to the fact that it's the third time my body has endured this. Other than the fall this has so far been another uneventful pregnancy. Monday is our big ultrasound and we'll find out for sure if Baby Squishy is in fact a boy like we have thought since our
12 week scan.