March 26, 2006

P.F. Chang's and a Sprained Ankle:

This weekend we are in VA visiting Benny and Robyn, mostly Robyn since Benny was on call yesterday. The Doc and I Left Friday afternoon and the drive was less than perfect - my nerves were shot. Three WOMEN drivers almost merged into us (three different times of course); all who were talking on their cell phones. One of the ladies was driving right next to us - so it wasn't like we were in her blind spot - she just didn't look over she just began her lane change. These are the women that give the rest of us a bad name. Anyway back to my story.

My nerves are shot and I have to pee so bad it hurts because The Doc refused pit stops - he was trying to make it before any major traffic jams. All I want to do when we arrive is pee and figure out where to eat dinner! Benny suggested P.F. Chang's which was recommended by another friend of mine and it's Chinese so you don't have to pull the Doc's arm. We were in.

The dinner was fantastic!! I got Kung Pao Scallops, the Doc got Chang's Spicy Chicken, Robyn got Chicken with Black Bean Sauce and Benny went with the Mongolian Beef. It was so yummy. The atmosphere was really great and the prices were more reasonable than I had expected. I can see why so many people like to eat there

Moving on - we paid our bill and started walking back to the car and talking about how great our dinners were when BAM - I am lying on the asphalt fetal position grabbing my ankle. I tripped over a large rock - my ankle buckled to the right and then to the left which is when I fell using my left arm to break my fall. As the Doc came running over to see what happened Benny tries searching for this "BIG" rock I just tripped over. Turns out it was teeny tiny wood chip. Oh yeah - I must have stepped on it just right that it rolled and caused my fall.

Thankfully I was in great company - two Doc's and a Nurse. Nothing was broken; (although it felt like it was) just a minor sprain. It all happened so fast but somehow I managed not to land on my belly (using my left arm instead). My only thoughts as I fell were premature labor....WAY TOO EARLY for little David to be born. Well long story short baby David and I had a little too much stress for my comfort and since I was OK - we can all laugh about it now. My pride, however, took a huge hit when Benny broke the news that it was not a GIGANTIC rock as I had thought. What??!! I tripped over a wood chip....

Yesterday was spent walking around DC all day with a very pregnant Robyn (36 weeks on Tuesday) and the Doc - who enjoyed to comment on all the wood chips that I may trip over. The Doc cracked his jokes like, "Oh I don't know if we should walk over there - I saw some twigs." Ha Ha. It wasn't too cold, however, it was the start of the Cherry Festival and since it was still a little too cold last week - many were just starting to blossom. Oh well it was still a great weekend, fall and all. Today when Benny gets home from call we'll finish it off with the best burger of all time at Five Guys.

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