April 2, 2006

P. Sophie's A Baby Story: Week 22

Halfway there! I can't believe how fast it is going by and yet it still seems so far away. Here are the updates at 22 weeks. I had my doctor's appointment on Friday, what a waste of time. It took me longer to get there then I actually spent in the office. They say Hi, check the baby's heart beat and measure the belly. So far so good, though. I suppose it is reassuring to hear the heart beat.

Apparently to strangers – I look as though I am having twins. When they ask me how far along I am and I tell them 5 months they say “Wow! Your belly is so big – is it twins?” And when I tell them no, they say, “Are you sure?” Yeah I am sure! I was all set to get a picture of my giant belly to post and my digital camera broke. I thought it was the batteries but it wasn’t – it just won’t turn on, I have no idea what is wrong with it…oh well.

My mother and sister-in-law flew in this weekend. We went to a couple of baby stores to look at baby furniture. It’s so exciting! We also showed them the cute baby stuff that we registered for at Babies “R” Us. Baby stuff is so little and cute…I can’t wait to shop for stuff!

Last night was another milestone. I have felt the baby moving now for about two weeks, now and it’s really cool. Usually I feel him at night right before bedtime. Last night, though, was the first time The Doc was able to feel him. His kicks have gotten stronger over the last week.

Well until next time…

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