May 31, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 152
Happy Birthday to my most favorite person! I love that we have shared a half a lifetime of birthday memories together. I'm looking forward to many more.
May 30, 2016
May 29, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 150
One day we'll get everyone to look and smile and be in the picture without Dad hiding in the back!
May 28, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 149
And then there was one.
All the birds flew off this afternoon, but this guy stayed behind for a while. When I came in after mowing the lawn (early evening), I came to find the nest empty. This little guy had flown away too. I think that is the end of our bird watching adventures.
All the birds flew off this afternoon, but this guy stayed behind for a while. When I came in after mowing the lawn (early evening), I came to find the nest empty. This little guy had flown away too. I think that is the end of our bird watching adventures.
May 27, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 148
The last recital of the season!

California & Rock Around the Clock
Brisk March
I like Jazz
May 26, 2016
May 25, 2016
May 24, 2016
May 23, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 144
And not to be left out, my little Rhino! This was the best picture I could snag of my littlest on stage. He loved being in his first show!
May 22, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 143
The show officially closed today and it was so much fun! For 2 of the 4 performances, David played a giraffe. This production was very ambitious and had their giraffes on stilts! David was determined to make it work. The taller kids were able to use drywall stilts, however David was not tall enough for them. You can see from the picture below that the upper clasp would have been above his knee. The directors husband had made a set before they decided to go to the more stable drywall stilts...and it turned out that with a little bit of tweaking (thanks to Charlie!) we were able to get them to work for David. It was a lot of trial and error and he still made me feel uneasy watching him walk across the stage, but he didn't fall and he had so much fun using them! I'm so thankful for these cool experiences that my boys get to have. What a great show and I'm sorry to see it end, but they are all ready for the next one!
May 21, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 142
Shaun's version of Ed was just as good as his big brother's. His snaggle tooth (aka the missing tooth that make him look like he has a snaggle tooth) helped make the character. He got lots of laughs and told me tonight that playing Ed was his most favorite thing ever and he can't wait until he can do another show!
May 20, 2016
May 19, 2016
May 18, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 139
One month left with my little buddy. Next year he'll be in school all day. I'll miss our lunch dates the most!
May 17, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 138
Evan had his well check today and he decided to read some while he waited. He's turning into quite the little reader. I love listening to him sound out and stretch his words like he's being taught in school. He continues to grow and is in the 75th percentile for his height and 99th for weight. Kid is still a beast!
Evan 6.0
I can't believe that Evan is SIX! He is wrapping up his year in Kindergarten and last year home with me. Next year he'll be in school all day, just like his brothers. I'm both happy and sad about that! Ha!
He is looking so grown up and I needed some spring pictures so I headed over to the studio to snap some, and it just so happened to be on his actual birthday.
After the studio we headed to the movies to see the Jungle Book in 3D! And we finished off his birthday with a trip to his favorite restaurant!
Then today he had his well check. He's grown a lot since last year! He did well with the eye test and so far doesn't have a need for glasses.
HEIGHT: 47 3/4 inches (86th percentile)
WEIGHT: 65 lbs (98th percentile)
He is looking so grown up and I needed some spring pictures so I headed over to the studio to snap some, and it just so happened to be on his actual birthday.
3D Glasses |
Ready for some birthday dinner! |
A special birthday song and hat for Evan! |
Birthday treat! |
Getting taller! |
Reading while we wait! |
WEIGHT: 65 lbs (98th percentile)
May 16, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 137
Shaun's turn as Ed the Hyena! Their music school's production of the Lion King is this weekend! It's going to be so fun to see how Shaun interprets the same role his brother had back in March.
May 15, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 136
David has his best game of the season yesterday. He was 2 for 3, he hit 2 singles, with an RBI and 2 runs scored! His team lost in the end but he was pretty pumped about his personal best performance!
May 14, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 135
Evan getting some tips from his big brother, who was helping out as first base coach, during the game this morning!
May 13, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 134
On Monday David had his last concert of the year. He played 6 songs with the orchestra and then sang a medley of famous songs from the 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's. It was such a great concert, and I was so glad that I was able to see their afternoon show they did for the school because I was with the other two boys at their show rehearsal during the evening performance.
May 12, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 133
With all the excitement from Mother's Day I am just getting around to some of the pictures from Saturday baseball. It was far from baseball weather outside (48 degrees with a constant drizzle), but we survived. Shaun had a great game, walking twice and scored a run! His team won 13 to 4!
May 11, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 132
It's never easy when you have to play against your good friends. David's team lost by a run, but it was such a great game. They high fived each and posed for this picture together. There were no hard feelings and David was genuinely happy for his friend for their win! That is what I call great SPORTSMANSHIP!
May 10, 2016
May 9, 2016
May 8, 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Today we had our 5th Mother's Day Brunch! Everything was pretty crazy this year and like every year it seems, the Doc was on call. That wasn't going to stop me from having a delicious brunch, though this year I managed to keep it a simple. We did a waffle bar, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, and I made two overnight casseroles to save myself some time. One was a french toast casserole from Pioneer Woman (which was delicious!) and the second one was an Overnight Egg's Benedict casserole, both were delicious! I also made a raspberry coffee cake.
It so fun to get together with the family and even though it was a pretty cool and crummy day we all had a great time hanging out. The kids even managed to jump into the cold pool for 20 minutes. Then a massive wind/rain storm blew in and it got COLD!
It so fun to get together with the family and even though it was a pretty cool and crummy day we all had a great time hanging out. The kids even managed to jump into the cold pool for 20 minutes. Then a massive wind/rain storm blew in and it got COLD!
All my favorite Mom's! |
365 ~ 2016: Day 129
Happy Mother's Day!
May 7, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 128
Evan tried out the catcher position today during his baseball game.
May 6, 2016
May 5, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 126
Every moment in the game is a teaching moment with Coach! He is always talking to the kids, giving them tips and advice. Here David is getting some coaching during his at bat to choke up and put his elbows up. He ended up striking out, but his coach made sure to run up to him before he got to the dug out to tell him that it was his best at bat of his season! He took some good swings and showed some aggressiveness at the plate that his coach has been trying to see from him since the season began!
May 4, 2016
May 3, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 124
And last and certainly not least...the middlest!
May 2, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 123
If someone has the formula that stops children from growing up, I think I'll use it now! Of course, it doesn't help that he is constantly reminding us how many years until he can drive and how many years until he goes off to college. Three more months and he'll be officially double digits!
May 1, 2016
365 ~ 2016: Day 122
My littlest is SIX today! He's stubborn and tenacious - a born leader. Happy Birthday to my baby nugs, I look forward to seeing how you conquer this world; you're already on your way!
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