Moving onto my rant about stupid people. I don't know if it’s that people really ARE that stupid or I am over sensitive because I am really pregnant, have new stretch marks, eating like “Hungry, Hungry Hippo” in freakin' 2000% humidity...I don't know. You know that saying that stupid people should have to wear a sign…I have never agreed more with that statement.
Stupid Person #1:
After work the Doc and I head over to the grocery store. We're ready to check out head over to the register with no line – just a lady finishing up...or so we thought. She had issues with Hi-C that she thought was on special - it wasn't and so she bitched and we waited while someone went on an expedition to find this so called special. You would think the cashier (a 17 year old girl - super uninterested in working) would say to us “it will just be a minute” or “sorry for the wait”...nothing. Finally it’s our turn…she beings checking us out and in the process she keeps looking over at the other cashier paying no attention to bagging our groceries or sending them down the belt so I could bag them. At one point stopping her scanning and asking the other girl “What just happened, what’s going on?” She wants to know the gossip that is happening two registers over. ARGH. I swear we were there for 10 minutes.
Stupid Person #2:
In the great city of Philadelphia they don’t let you take shopping carts into the parking lots so you have to pull your car to the curb and load the groceries. While we are loading them some kid on a bike pulls up next to our car (which is pretty close to the curb) and sits there. Once we are done I say to him “excuse me” so I can get into the car and he stands there in the same spot but moves his bike a smidgen. Completely in my way, I literally have to squeeze my fat pregnant ass into the Docs Toyota Celica while the kid just stands there watching…as if I will magically turn into a size two in order to fit in the car. Are you kidding me? WTF?
Stupid Person #3:
The Doc wants coffee and being so hot lately I feel like an iced coffee too. We go to the drive thru and order (1) small iced coffee with milk and one equal and (1) medium hot coffee with milk and two equals – a pretty simple order. We drive around as instructed and wait for a few minutes and she opens the window hands us the coffees and says $3.95. We’re like what??!! The Doc asks “Are you sure, because it’s only a small iced and medium hot?” She says “Yup - $3.95”. So we give her four dollars and she hands him a nickel. Meanwhile the Doc says to the lady “my hot coffee is $1.49. You mean to tell me that the small iced coffee is $2.46??” She says “Yup” and the Doc again says “Are you sure – that seems like an awful lot?” She says with tone “YEAH I’m sure.” She then turns to her co-worker and says “A small iced is $2.50, right?” and he says “No, it’s $1.89”. She apologizes and as she walked back to the register we overheard the co-worker say with a chuckle “how long have you been working here?” I apparently missed that comment because I was too busy bitching that I could’ve gotten a tall frappaccino at Starbuck for that price. The Doc’s next comment is “I should’ve given her the nickel back because she’ll never figure the change out”. And so we waited. And waited. And the person behind us made faces. She hands the Doc a stack of change and at this point were not even sure if it was correct but we had been there for what seemed like a millennia and didn’t give a damn.
So you be the judge – am I just super sensitive to peoples stupidity or are these three people really that effin’ stupid?