June 22, 2006

P. Sophie's A Baby Story: Will This Ever End?!

Ok so almost 34 weeks now and I'm tired of this. It feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER!! Will this ever end? I have about 6 weeks left and I am tired, hot, achy, fat, swollen, peeing more than ever & my back hurts. As you can see from the picture my feet are swollen and they have been much worse lately, can't fit in my shoes by the end of the day.

The weather here doesn't help either - today it hit 91 degrees and the humidity was oppressive. I pretty much have the central air cranked 24/7. The Doc joked the other night that it was so cold in our house he thought about going down to the basement and putting on his snowpants. Meanwhile - I am sweating so bad I sit in a tank top and underwear.

If I have one more person look at me and say "Are you sure there is only ONE baby in there?" or "Really, you still have until August?" I may have to hurt someone...and it won't be pretty!! I get it, I have a big giant belly. It's so big now I now have some nice stretch marks. If I am that big and look as though I am going to "pop" any moment then why don't any of you offer me a seat on the train?! Yeah that's right - no one offers me there seat on the train and so I end up standing for six stops. I HATE the bus! The Doc is a saint and will give me a ride whenever he can. Unfortunately for me that isn't very often...so the bus it is until I go out on maternity leave.

I don't want to be pregnant anymore...anyone who says that this is such a magical, womanly, beautiful time in my life can kiss my big fat behind. The last thing that I am feeling right now is beautiful. Nine months is too long - why can't babies cook in 6 months. I felt great then! Eight weeks ago you could've told me that this is a beautiful time in my life without getting the right hook to the face!

Well there is my rant for the day...but I suppose if this is what I have to go through in order to finally meet the little guy...well then it will all be worth it!

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