Can you believe that our little David is now 7 Weeks old?! Holy crap where did the time go?! This update includes a new video as you can see from the title he gets the hiccups a lot but that doesn't stop him from getting the giggles. It's been edited down to show only the cute stuff! My favorite part is when he makes a dolphin sound at the end. At least that's what it sounds like to me it could be a mouse sound...I leave it up to you to decide!
In other news, and I am hoping that I am not jinxing myself by mentioning it, David slept for 5-1/2 hours straight the last two nights! I am not sure, this could be a fluke or a stroke of good luck, but it seems as if he is starting to come up with some sort of schedule! I am not going to get too excited just yet! He is also smiling and laughing more and more everyday!

The Doc and I had a discussion the other night about how you don't realize just how much having a baby interferes with your everyday life. Even watching your favorite TV show becomes a challenge. While I wouldn't trade this for the world it was just an interesting observation that we made!! So I have decided to come up with a list of things that change once you have a baby even typing this blog post is a challenge!! Check it out below:
P. Sophie's Top 5 Things A Baby Changes:

1. Sleep - forget about ever getting a good night sleep again...EVER! When you have a baby (especially if you're nursing as I am) remember the baby makes the schedule. So you can just forget about the days of sleeping in until noon because those days are now OVER!
2. Eating - whether it's eating a home cooked meal, ordering take-out or even being brave and going to a restaurant...how you eat will never be the same.
Trying to cook a meal becomes a challengebecausee it's either I wait for the Doc to come home or hope that David will nap long enough so that I can be in the kitchen. And when he naps long enough for me to cook the food...guess who wakes up just in time for me to eat the food and wouldn't you know he's hungry too!

Ordering take-out usually is a little easier but again if the baby is awake and I ordered a tasty Italian Hoagie for dinner...I have to wait until I can put the baby down to eat it.
The Restaurant is the most fun/challenging because while the little angel falls asleep during the car ride over to the restaurant he will most likely wake up at some point during the meal. And while he is sleeping you're holding your breath the whole time hoping that he won't wake up so you can finish your tasty cheeseburger and fries without having to take him out of his seat and bounce him. So while it can be done (we do it all the time) it is very different than when it was just the two of us!
3. Watching Television/Movie - Unless you have
TiVo or any other DVR be prepared to be interrupted at some point. The Doc and I hope that if David is going to be fussy that he will fuss on a commercial but that wasn't the case during the last 5 minutes of House last night. My secret trick (which doesn't always work) is to nurse him during the show! A movie is easier because it can be paused but that just means it takes longer to watch. For example the Doc and I are trying to catch up on Season 2 of Lost and so while we can pause the DVD it takes over an hour to watch 42 minutes of show.

4. Shopping - used to be just pick up and go. Not anymore. It's feed the baby before we go, get him into is car seat, grab the diaper bag, put the baby into the car (while he is usually fussing), hope he falls asleep in the car (which he usually does) and go! Once we get to the store/mall and get him into the stroller it's pray he doesn't wake up and start screaming! Now the advantage to nursing is that you don't have to worry about bottles but if your not very good at it like me, nursing in public can be awkward. If I have to feed him while I am out I usually do it in the car and that just means I have to take him out of his car seat and go to the car (very time consuming).

5. Personal Hygiene - the days of taking a nice long hot shower are now gone. If he is sleeping I worry he will wake up and if he is awake I have to sit him in his bouncing chair and hope he doesn't start fussing. There were even a couple days I was so tired I didn't get to brush my teeth - know, your thinking how gross - and it is, but it happened to be on a day that I didn't sleep much and I crashed on the couch all day and slept in between David's feedings - believe me if you were as tired as I was I don't think clean teeth would've be a high priority to you either.
So there you have it - the top five things that have changed for us in the last 7 weeks - more for me than the Doc because I am pretty sure his patients wouldn't like it if he hadn't brushed his teeth and took a nice long hot shower. And as long as David gets his num nums and his diapers are changed regularly he doesn't care if I have stinky breath! There are other things too but those are the big ones. I suppose our circumstance makes it a little harder since the Doc has an unconventional work schedule and we're away from friends and family. But we're surviving and the cute pictures that you see make it so much easier! Although, it would be nice to have the grandparents close by for babysitting so we can go on a date once in a while. It's not easy to keep the romance alive when you smell like spit-up (wink)!!!