The other reason is that things are pretty boring here. Not much to report. David has been our little parrot - repeating everything we say (or trying very hard). Right now we're working on having him say the word Thank-You. He's getting better using it on his own but he for the most part he just repeats it after we say it.
Hard to believe he'll be 1-1/2 a week from Saturday! I am also excited to say that his 12-18 month pants are a little short on him (especially when he sits down) although the 18-24 month pants are a little long - at least he's growing a little bit! We'll know for sure at his 18 month check up on February 11. Below are some recent pictures of the little guy!
Big Smiles!
Eating his snack and sitting on the wrong part of his chair...goofball!
His "do not disturb" face!