January 3, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year! I can't believe that another year has gone by and we are beginning a new one. Many people are inclined to make a New Year's Resolution, myself included. It's generic; but I am with the millions whose resolution is to get in shape. A new year is also a good time to make some changes and try new things.

It's been over a week now that David has not needed to use his binky. I thought it may be a fluke, at first as he was very attached to his binkies. He always had to have AT LEAST three binkies to sleep at night; one in his mouth and one in each hand. I was beginning to become concerned by the fact that he was chewing on them and that he could choke on the broken pieces. It was surprisingly very easy to wean him from his beloved binkies, and he hasn't asked for them since. They have now been replaced with a stuffed Mickey and stuffed Donald Duck, but at least I no longer have to worry that he may choke.

David's New Year's Resolution:

Be a good big brother to Shaun

Help out around the house!

Shaun has also started to try new things. We introduced him to the sippy cup. I put some juice in the cup to see what he would do. He seemed to like it but needed help holding the cup. He has only had a handful of bottles so holding onto the cup was a new experience. The other adjustment was to how fast the juice came out of the cup; the flow was so much that most of it ended up on his shirt. But since practice makes perfect we'll keep letting him try to figure it out!

He is getting so big. When I am not wearing him in the ERGO at the store or supermarket he is big enough to ride in the shopping cart now. Check out our big boy in the Target cart!

Shaun's New Year's Resolution is to start sleeping through the night! However, thanks to Dr. Ferber, he is sleeping much better! In fact, for the last few nights he woke up only once and only needed help finding his binky before going back to sleep. I am hesitant to say he is officially sleeping through the night yet, but confidant enough to say that we are VERY close!!

So I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Year. I know we did, even though I was sound asleep when the Ball dropped. 2008 was a great year for us and I know 2009 will be even better!

1 comment:

Princess B said...

Agreed!! Happy New Year!! Thanks again for having us over on New Year's Day and the AWESOME dinner you made and birthday brownies! Now I'm not a WII virgin ;-) You guys rock!!