Me & the Birthday Boy!
Kristin with the Birthday Boy!
The Gang... a little blurry but my camera stinks!! Perhaps a new one is in order for MY 30th (wink, wink)
After dinner we decided to do something a little different and headed over to LaserQuest, in Danvers to play some laser tag. I had never played before but some of the crew had. Some of us wore WHITE, not realizing the course is under a slew of black lights, making us easy targets! Oops! It was a lot of fun, even the first game, where the average person was probably 15 or 16 years old, making us look like gomers in comparison. I think we held our own, though and the Doc even came in 11th place out of 37 people! Not bad, especially since we're pretty sure the kids who ranked higher, cheated by covering up their sensors. The second game was smaller with 13 people making it harder to find people and tag them but still fun and the Doc came in 2nd! I'd go again for something different to do, but maybe after the teeny boppers go to bed, (wink, wink).
As part of his birthday gift, the boys and I are letting him sleep in a little, since they love to get us up nice and early each and every day! Then later today we'll celebrate some more with a Chinese food dinner with his family. So Happy 30th Birthday to the Doc. Incidentally, one year ago today was Shaun's due date, but he waited 11 more days before making his arrival!