August 22, 2012

Project 365 - Day 235

For a while now, Evan has been able to open his bedroom door.  At first it was just in the morning when he woke up.  He would peek out the door and look around for any other signs of life.  Then he started doing it after we put him to bed, only it progressed to him wondering on downstairs and peeking around the corner to the family room.  We would tell him to march right back up stairs, but every night like clockwork, he would find his way downstairs after we had put him to bed.

The last straw was when he did this at 2am!  I heard some noise and went to check and saw the downstairs light was on, I figured that we must have left it on before coming up to bed but as soon as I started down the stairs I saw a little person standing there looking up at me.  "Mommy, I woke up".  Oh my!  I wasn't sure what we were going to do to get this little guy to stay in his room.  That is when a friend suggested using a gate.  So we started using the gate and it's at the very least, kept him in his room and kept him from wandering all over the house.  However, it doesn't stop him from opening his door and standing in front of the gate calling for us.  In fact, just a few days ago Charlie went upstairs after his run and found his door open, he went to shut it only to realize that there was something in the way (it was dark and his eyes hadn't adjusted yet).  That "something in the way" turned out to be Evan!  I really don't know about this kid sometimes!

Here is Evan, and how we find him most mornings.  Just lying on his floor with his pile of books, talking to himself.

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