January 31, 2006

The Miracle of Life:

Introducing P. Baby. The Doc and I are excited to officially announce to all the world the upcoming arrival of the newest member of our family, which 13 weeks ago consisted of me, the Doc and our two kitty cats Trot and Drew.

This is the first of many pictures to come of our little one. Sunday marked 13 weeks and as you can see from the picture on the left - we have left tadpole phase and entered baby phase.

I have been pregnant now for 13 weeks and honestly I don't feel any different. If I didn't have that picture above I would probably think it was a dream. It's not your typical movie pregnancy where the woman runs to the bathroom to vomit every five minutes. Thankfully that symptom passed me by. When I run to the bathroom every five minutes it is because I have to pee for the twentieth time that day.

August 8th seems like such a long ways away, 189 to be exact*, but I am sure it will be here before we know it.

*Baby countdown compliments of The P. Bride!


Brian said...

Enjoy the piece, quiet, and rest while you can (actually every parent and non-parent will tell you that). OK, how about some better advice: If you are going to register for baby items, DO NOT register for clothes. You'll get them anyway! :)

And I was thinking too...whatdayathink of the name David "Brian Michael Stack" Wicks? I think that has a nice ring to it. Or, if it is a girl, Rebecca "Brianna Mikaila Stack" Wicks?

Just a thought....

Erica said...

we couldn't be happier for you. enjoy your pregnancy, every minute of it! believe it or not you'll miss it when your not anymore. don't listen to other people about not getting any sleep etc. it's not that bad your on such a baby high that you don't even care! welcome to the club!

Princess B said...

I can't wait!!!

Congratulations for the millioneth time =)