Our new place has some pros and cons. One of the cons being the airplanes that fly overhead but it hasn't been too bad. We lived on an ambulance route once and that was much worse!
One of the pros is that the beach is about a mile away! Steph came for a visit on Wednesday and we all went over to the beach and to eat at Kelly's! They have one of the best Roast Beef Sandwiches I have had as well as a pretty awesome Reuben. We ordered our food and then ate under the canopy that is set up with benches. David loved chasing the seagulls and dancing to the music from the passing cars.

After we ate we took David down to the water. He has been to the beach before but never stuck his toes in the ocean! The water was FREEZING and so after David put his feet in once he didn't want to do it again. He had fun running up and down the beach and using his toes to make designs in the sand.

Now that Shaun's belly button is all healed we decided to give him his first bath in the sink. I thought he was going to scream his head off, but he surprised me and only fussed a little.
I have decided to nickname him "Ziggy Piggy" because if he isn't sleeping then he is eating, and he'll let you know when he is hungry! You'd think I starved this kid the way he is constantly begging to be fed! Check out his "but Mommy I am SO hungry - please feed me" face!
Today is the Doc's first day as a Fellow. He is currently at his orientation and so this is my official first day as a full time Mommy. So far so good but it's only 8:15am. I can't believe he is in his last phase of training before he is finally done. It just seems like yesterday that we were at Dartmouth with Ben and Robyn. Ben starts his OB fellowship this week as well. They are leaving for NY tomorrow...good luck with your move!
Time to get the boys ready to go visit my nephew Scottie. He spent his weekend in the hospital with an infection resulting in an emergency surgery to have the infected cyst removed along with his appendix. Hopefully he gets to come home today.