June 3, 2008

The Never Ending Pregnancy:

Today is 40 weeks and 3 days - we are officially in the "overdue" club. I was really hoping that the next post would be the announcement of Shaun's arrival. Apparently, he has a different plan. I know that everyone is anxiously awaiting his arrival as much as we are, so I wanted to post this quick update.

As of last Friday I am no longer a working girl. I also had my 40 week appointment, and I was really optimistic that I would go into labor that weekend when the midwife told me that I was 4cm dilated. Well here we are four days later still (somewhat) patiently waiting.

Physically, I feel great. I only put on 30lbs this time and don't have heartburn or nasty swelling like when I was 40 weeks pregnant with David. Mentally, however, I am pretty stressed. Since I had a scheduled induction with David, I had a plan. I have been having a hard time figuring out what is real and what is one of those fake Braxton-Hicks ones. There was a stretch on Saturday where we thought it could be the "real deal", but as you can see it wasn't.

We had some company over the last couple weeks. After Steph left on Monday we had a nice visit with the Mailloux's. Maddie and David just have so much fun together and we didn't even mind when they ran around the living room shrieking, because it was so darn cute. Check out their blog for some cute pictures of the two of them at the playground. Then Princess B came to town for the weekend. We had a great time hanging out on Sunday at the Manayunk Brewery. They were playing live music and we got to sit outside over looking the Schuylkill River. David loved the live band and danced to the music. They left yesterday to head Camden Yards to see the Sox play. Too bad they lost.

So now we just keep on waiting. My next appointment is on Thursday where we'll discuss induction. For now don't take it personal if I don't call, text or answer e-mails -if you get a call, email or text from me it means we're off to the hospital! There is only so many times you can hear "you haven't had that baby yet" before you want to start killing people!


Erica said...

So glad you posted, I've been wondering. You are a trooper!! Sending labor vibes your way!!! Hang in there only a little bit longer. We miss you and can't wait for you guys to be around here. I think Brady and David are going to have lots of fun playing together and then Cameron and Shaun will be close in age!!! Good luck sweetie, wishing you a fast labor and easy delivery! One word...Epidural! lol ~Erica

Mis Pretty said...

just remember he can't stay in there forever!!!! there is an end to all the madness!!! good luck!