June 18, 2008

It's Been One Week:

Well a week and a day - but I had to catch some zzz's last night so that I could wake up and watch the fourth quarter of the Celtics game. I mean let's face it, it's the fourth quarter that really decides games. Who knew the Celtics would have sealed the deal by half-time!

Things have been pretty hectic around here with the big move in three days. We have been packing, cleaning and purging. I don't know what I would have done had I not kept David in his daycare for the week. He just has way too much energy to let us get anything done around here. So the Doc and I have been trying to get it all done during the day in between nursing sessions when Shaun is napping.

Shaun is fairly good natured. He LOVES to eat. He's a great nurser and I am sure it's my confidence that has made the transition fairly painless. Shaun even allows Mommy to sleep for four hours straight - but it means going to sleep at 8pm. Hey, I'll take the sleep when I can get it. Shaun also loves to be swaddled and we have had to become a good swaddlers. David hated to be swaddled so it was no big deal that the Doc and I sucked at it! At first I thought they looked very different but looking at some old pictures of David made me realize that minus the dark hair they have the same exact features.

David is adjusting well to the baby. Before Shaun I would pick up David and think he's so little. Since Shaun, it seems that David weighs 100 pounds! He just seems so big now but I suppose an almost 8lb newborn will do that!

Here are some new pictures of the kiddos:



David enjoying bath time:

Check out the size difference! Shaun wasn't happy to be out of his swaddle.

Tomorrow I am taking Shaun back to the Pediatrician for a weight check. He was born at 7lbs 15oz and dropped down to 7lbs 4oz when we left the hospital. On Monday he was still under his birth weight 7lbs 12oz. Since I am nursing they just like to make sure they are gaining weight appropriately but I can't imagine he's not past his birth rate the way this kid has been eating!


Anonymous said...

I love the new pics....David seems so happy....Cant wait to see you guys on sunday....

Anonymous said...

Shaun is so cute and David seems huge now! Glad you are getting some sleep. Good luck with the big move this weekend! Hope to see you guys again soon.