September 11, 2008

3 Months Already?!

It is hard to believe that it has already been three months since Shaun made his much anticipated arrival! He is growing like a weed. He is now wearing David's old 6 months onsies and PJ's. While the 3 month PJ's still fit him they were definitely on the snug side. At least in the 6 months clothes he has some room to move around. It's just funny to us because David was such a peanut and Shaun, well not so much.

Just to give some perspective, I weighed myself on our scale at home (I know scary) and then held Shaun and weighed myself again. I weigh 15lbs more when I was holding Shaun. So you have to figure he weighs about that give or take. David was 15lbs at 4 months old.

Here are some new pictures of Pudge in his 6 months clothes! You can also see that his hair is starting to grow in. He is going to have blonde hair and blue eyes. It's no wonder people say he looks just like his Uncle John.

He also likes to play on the activity mat. David never really cared much for it. He even grabs onto the toys now!

1 comment:

Erica said...

He is just too cute!! I can't wait to get my hands on the little cheeks! ~Erica