September 29, 2008

Tummy Time & the Exersaucer

I have not been really good about putting Shaun on his tummy. Usually I just put him down on his back to play on his activity mat. On Sunday he was playing on the mat and I looked up and saw him on his tummy. I am pretty sure it was an accident as he hasn't done again but I know he will soon!

I figured I should give him a lot more tummy time so he is used to it. I put him on his tummy this afternoon and David decided to join his brother. I jumped up to grab my camera so that I could get the cute shot! Don't mind the drool from Shaun...we think he might be teething!

We also have decided to retire the swing and bring up the exersaucer. He is a lot bigger than David was at this age. Since he does really well facing forward in the BabyBjörn, we decided to give it a try. He seems to do OK in there but is still too little to get how it works. It's nice though, because it takes up less space than the swing.

I get so many comments from people about how Shaun is such a happy mellow little guy! All you have to do is smile at him and he'll give you a big ear to ear grin right back! What can I say the kid is a ham!

And not to be shown up by his baby brother...David likes to show off his pearly whites too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the first two pictures with both the boys!
