July 26, 2009

Big Boy Bike

It's official! David is fully, 100 percent potty trained! It was a quite an adventure with highs and lows but it's done and he couldn't be more proud of himself! It's one of those things as a parent you wish you could have a free pass, wave a magic wand and voilĂ  it's done!

He has been wearing his big boy underwear since April; giving into peer pressure (he found out his BFF was wearing her her big girl underwear). The only time that peer pressure is a GOOD thing! He was so proud he was going *tinkle* in the potty. Poop on the potty was a whole different beast. I can't say it wasn't frustrating to have him half potty trained. We decided to bribe him. He loved riding the big boy bike at Grammy and Papa's and so we told him if he started going poop in the potty too that he could pick out his very own big boy bike.

Last week he started to go on the potty. After 4 days in a row without an accident, we took him to Toys R Us to pick out his bike. He was so proud he told the check out clerk "I go poop in the potty, I get a bike" He loves his new bike and his helmet and I can't wait to take him to the local park so he can take it for a test drive. But for now he is enjoying just sitting on it in the house!

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