July 15, 2009

Summer Recreation!

As I have posted about before, we are really fortunate to have an amazing recreation department here. It's only mid-July and the boys and I have already been to three concerts and seen Silly Willy the Clown. The Stack's joined us today and the kids had fun watching the show, playing on the slides, getting balloon hats and having a picnic lunch. Here are some pictures of the shows we have been to so far this summer.

At the park to see Nancy Lynn Cooper:

Nancy Lynn Cooper singing

Shaun playing along with the music

David having fun singing songs

At the park to see Annie's Natural Wonder Band:

Annie and the Natural Wonder Band preform:

David playing the musical plum!

That's right...the *Ladies Love Him*

At the park seeing Silly Willy the Clown:

Silly Willy preforming

David and Brady with their new balloon hats!


Cameron & Brady

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