So last night it was the boys turn. Overall, and I know I am in the minority, I enjoyed the boys over the girls. I am hoping, though, that nerves are a big factor in how mediocre both nights were compared to years past. So, on that note here are my picks for top three and bottom three.
My Top Three:
1. Andrew Garcia: He's been my favorite out of anyone since his first audition. I completely disagreed with the judges on that one. I LOVED his song. It was definitely my favorite of the night.
2. Casey Jones: He is not my favorite but his performance was one of the best of the night. He has a very cool voice and I am sure he'll do well in the weeks to come.
3. Lee Dewyze: I honestly don't remember this guy much during the Hollywood rounds but man I LOVED his voice and became a fast fan. Probably not the best song choice but I thought it was really solid. There were some very boring performances and that was not one of them!
The Weakest Links:
1. Jermaine Sellers: This guy was the worst of BOTH nights, if you ask me. That was painful to sit through. If this guy doesn't go home then I'll be scratching my head.
2. John Park: He gets the award for worst song choice of the night. That was just the most bizarre choice of song. He has a really good voice but he may have blown it with that song choice.
3. Alex Lambert: It was a close call between him and Tim Urban but I am choosing Lambert because he was so awkward to watch. Sure he has a decent voice, and even though Tim Urban couldn't hit the high notes well, I felt so uncomfortable watching Alex. My other issue with Alex was that I couldn't get past the mullet. All I could think watching him was, "DUDE, get a haircut!"
My predictions for the four going home would this week are:
1. Jermaine Sellers
2. John Park
1. Ashley Rodriguez
2. Lacey Brown
February 25, 2010
February 24, 2010
American Idol - Season 9 - Top 12 GIRLS
It is that time of year again. I am finally glad that we're on to the live preformances. For this round I have chosen to list my top three and bottom three, because frankly I am too lazy to analyze all 24 contestants!
Last night the girls sang and while no one blew me away there were three that stood out above the rest, in my opinion. So without further ado:
My top three:
1. Crystal Bowersox - she sang Alanis and I get what the judges said about her being almost copy cat but, in my opinion she has the most potential out of any contestant.
2. Didi Benami - I LOVE her voice. She has that the singer songwriter voice that I can get on board with and I could see myself singing along with one of her singles in my car. It also helps that she didn't sob like a newborn baby during the judges critique.
3. Siobhan Magnus - not only is she a hometown girl, but she has a very powerful voice without sounding DIVA-ish (ie: Beyonce, Mariah, Jennifer Hudson). Was it the best song to showcase her? Probably not, but I remember her "haunting" song choice more than any other performance of the night.
Weakest Links:
1. Ashley Rodriguez - I want to like her, first she is gorgeous and she's another hometown girl (right next door in Chelsea even). That being said based on what I had seen during the auditions that was a HORRIBLE song choice and made her sound very weak, IMO.
2. Lacey Brown - Another one I want to like. I LOVE her voice. I LOVE it. But SNOOZE with the choice of Landslide.
3. Paige Miles - She is completely (to use a Simon-ism) forgettable in my book. Not the worst but definitely not the best either. At least I remember the worst singers performances. I don't remember her performance AT. ALL. so that can't be a good thing for her. I don't think she'll be going home but she needs to do something major to help me remember her next week.
Last night the girls sang and while no one blew me away there were three that stood out above the rest, in my opinion. So without further ado:
My top three:
1. Crystal Bowersox - she sang Alanis and I get what the judges said about her being almost copy cat but, in my opinion she has the most potential out of any contestant.
2. Didi Benami - I LOVE her voice. She has that the singer songwriter voice that I can get on board with and I could see myself singing along with one of her singles in my car. It also helps that she didn't sob like a newborn baby during the judges critique.
3. Siobhan Magnus - not only is she a hometown girl, but she has a very powerful voice without sounding DIVA-ish (ie: Beyonce, Mariah, Jennifer Hudson). Was it the best song to showcase her? Probably not, but I remember her "haunting" song choice more than any other performance of the night.
Weakest Links:
1. Ashley Rodriguez - I want to like her, first she is gorgeous and she's another hometown girl (right next door in Chelsea even). That being said based on what I had seen during the auditions that was a HORRIBLE song choice and made her sound very weak, IMO.
2. Lacey Brown - Another one I want to like. I LOVE her voice. I LOVE it. But SNOOZE with the choice of Landslide.
3. Paige Miles - She is completely (to use a Simon-ism) forgettable in my book. Not the worst but definitely not the best either. At least I remember the worst singers performances. I don't remember her performance AT. ALL. so that can't be a good thing for her. I don't think she'll be going home but she needs to do something major to help me remember her next week.
February 17, 2010
Project Organize!
So as I mentioned in a previous post, I have been working on organizing the toys into toys bins and Sterilite Ultra Latch bins, and I am happy to report that it's almost complete! I have taken photographs of each bin (thanks to the Mailloux's) and used paint pens to write what goes in each bin. I feel pretty confident that we'll be able to keep the clutter better organized. Now when David picks up his toys at the end of the night, they will go neatly in the proper bin instead of being tossed all together in one box. Eventually, we'll start having Shaun clean up too, but for now it's more trouble than it's worth.
February 14, 2010
30 Weeks: Shamu's Got Nothing on Me!
On Wednesday I go in for another ultrasound. I love seeing Squishy on the "TV". I was hoping the reason for all these ultrasounds (every six weeks) was because I am considered to be V.I.P since the Doc works at the hospital, sadly however, it's just because I am OLD and FAT! *insert laugh track here*
Yup. Now that THREE is the first number of my age, I am considered slightly more high risk. Then add my BMI into the mix and well...they just want to make sure Baby Evan is growing as he should be! So far so good, and it's no skin off my back. It's been nice seeing him so much!
Not only do I get to see him more but this guy is a mover and a shaker. Not only does he kick, but he shifts from side to side, making himself all comfy cozy, not exactly comfy cozy for Mommy! He has adapted the Rock's signature move, giving me that people's elbow at least twice a day! I did find out at my last appointment he is head down so lets keep our fingers crossed that he stays that way.
February 13, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
Today we had our Valentine's Day party at the Rec Center. It was a blast (as always!). It was a breakfast this time which was a nice change and the food came out great! Even though Shaun is still young to understand all this; it was fun making out Valentine's for him and going through his mailbox after the party! David, of course, loved making out his own Valentine's this year and passing them out! He even got his BFF Briana a rose because you're never too young to be a gentleman!

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