January 23, 2011

Yup! Slow and Steady!

They say the last 10 pounds is the hardest to lose. Well I have 17.2 pounds to go to reach my overall goal and so I keep plugging along knowing that as long as I keep running and keep making healthy food choices, I will eventually reach that goal! And I know that by losing this weight slowly, I am increasing my chances of keeping it all off!

Last Week: 152.0
This Week: 151.7
Wk 4 Loss: 0.3 lbs
Total Loss: 3.3 lbs (33.7 overall!)

One of the best things about having a group of women who all have the same goals to lean on during this journey is getting some really great tips to help everyone stay on track. In one of our tip threads I had posted these three easy things that I have done to help me along the way. The first one was to get a really good 24oz. water bottle! And fill it and drink it at least 3 times per day. I used to only drink soda. All day long. Now I hardly drink it at all and to be honest, I don't even miss it anymore!

The second tip was about taking baby steps! I have one overall weight loss goal, but found it overwhelming to think about the 50lbs I needed to lose to reach that goal. The fact that my Biggest Loser rounds are 12 weeks long, helped me break down that goal into a number of small more attainable goals. Making my goals smaller has helped keep me motivated because I am able to celebrate each victory!

And last and probably the most important thing everyone should do when starting this journey is to FORGET ABOUT THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE!!!! It's easier said than done, I know. But as long as you make healthy choices and get in some exercise your body will change and it will eventually show on the scale!! It is the reason that I swear by taking measurements and before and after pictures. Because when the scale is being unkind to me, I can go back and look at those before pictures and see just how far I have come and get back that motivation that I can do this! To add to this one of the other moms took it a step further because as she puts it, the scale doesn't tell the whole story! She suggested setting your goal to fitting in a smaller pant size or setting a fitness goal, like running a 5k, instead of a weight loss goals. That really stood out to me and I am going to remember that on weeks where the numbers are moving more slowly!


Momma Trish said...

Great post, Lady. Can't wait till we're both at our goal. xoxo

NHGirl said...

Congrats on the weight loss!! :) It's very exciting to see the numbers drop, isn't it?

Boston Pam said...

Thanks ladies! Yes, it's super exciting! :)