February 19, 2011

Fell off the Wagon...HARD!

I have turned into a Yo-Yo and instead of doing something productive about it I wallowed. I wallowed and ate Cookie Brownies. Decadent, delicious, EVIL Cookie Brownies. I am mostly disappointed in my lack of will power when it comes to food. I have the exercise part down and in fact, I have run about 13 miles since Monday, which included a 4 mile run and a 5k. But despite all of that, I am still up almost 2.5 pounds and I have no one to blame but myself. I mean really...you can't eat decadent brownies for three days in a row and NOT expect this to happen.

So on Thursday night I broke down. I am ashamed to admit it, but what kind of blogger would I be if I made this journey look like it was all rainbows and unicorns. It's not, some days it sucks. Especially when I watch the Doc take down a huge slice of Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and not even gain an OUNCE! This was a bad week and now that I have wallowed, it is time to do something about it. I am forcing myself to start tracking my food again using MyFitnessPal and maybe I'll be able to break through this wall soon! I have also started using my Biggest Loser Kinect game and doing some Yoga and other exercises to strengthen my core. So if nothing else I'll be more toned!

So here is the damage:

Last Week: 150.4
This Week: 153.0
Week 8 Loss: +2.6
Overall Loss: 2 pounds (32.4 overall)

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