February 28, 2011

Back On Track

After a rough week, I am back on track. I am going to focus on all the positives and forget about the scale! I took last weeks gain hard because it was because I made bad choices and no amount of exercise that week was going to save me! I had to work really hard last week to get back on track and I still have work to do to get back to my low weight and a LOT more to see that FOUR I thought for sure I would have seen by now. I am always telling my four year old to make good choices and think about the consequences of his actions. I think it is time that I start doing the same!

So no more bad choices, though I am sure it's not the last gain I will see along this journey but as long as I know I worked hard hard and didn't stuff my face with crap then it will be a good week and I can be proud! I need to get back to practicing MODERATION! That is how I have been able to lose the 30+ pounds I already have. I can't eat a big bowl of popcorn EVERY night and expect to see the scale move, but, I CAN if I keep it to a once a week treat!

Last Week: 153.0
This Week: 151.9
Wk 9 Loss: 1.1
Total Loss: 3.1 lbs (33.5 overall!)


Princess B said...

You'll get there! You've got the right outlook. Keep it up =)

Boston Pam said...

Aww! Thanks PB! :D