March 1, 2011

Evan: 10 Months

Today Evan is 10 months old. Hard to believe that in two short months he'll be ONE! He's finally starting to sleep better, not 100% through the night yet, but he is no longer up THREE (sometimes FOUR) times a night. What is nice though is that now if he does wake up I don't usually have to go in, he fusses himself back to sleep on his own. On really good nights he is down at 7 and up around 5am to nurse and then back to sleep until about 6:15-6:30am.

He has been officially off baby food for a month now. He eats what we eat and when I say eat, I mean EAT! I have started referring to him as our little Garbage Disposal, most nights eating more than David and Shaun COMBINED! Last week he even tried Salmon and he loved it! He's never really refused a food that was put in front of him, which can be a challenge since he still only has the two bottom teeth, making chewing a challenge. He's been pretty fussy the last few nights and so I am thinking it could possibly be new teeth but I haven't seen anything yet.

He is into everything now, and he especially likes sitting in front of the TV stand to play with Daddy's X-box. He likes turning it on and off because it makes a ding sound. We have started keeping a toy in front of it so he won't touch it, but he just found that he can move over to the DVD player. Other crazy things he's been doing is trying to climb the stairs and pulling plates out of the dishwasher.

On the one hand I am glad he lets me put him down more often (he's still quite the velcro baby!) but on the other hand, he is just getting into ALL kinds of trouble! Thankfully during those times the other two boys will help me out and keep an eye on him. David likes to say that he is "in charge!". That way I can get dinner prepared and not have to worry he's getting into too much trouble!!

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